* Signifies Photographic Exhibition and Slide Presentation.
Lectures given in English, Spanish or Greek
Page last updated 3/14/99
Centro Cultural Leopoldo Lopez Alvares, Banco de la Republica, Pasto, Colombia. *
lnstituto Colombiano de Antropologia, Museo Nacional, Bogota.*
Centro Cultural y Filosofico 'Nuevo Mundo', Bogota.
Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, Sede Nacional, Bogota.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Politicas y Sociales (in round of conferences on Law, Land and Culture II), Bogota.
Biblioteca y Artes, Sucursal Leticia, Banco de la Republica, Leticia. *
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Politicas y Sociales (as part of celebrations on the 120th Anniversary of, the Faculty), Bogota.*
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, in Catedra de America events commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America, Bogota. *
Casa Calisto Gallery, sponsor Petroleos del Peru, Iquitos, Peru. *
Alliance Francaise de Lima, sponsors Alliance Francaise and Fondo de Promocion Turistica del Peru, FOPTUR, (in framework of II International Congress on Traditional Medicine), Lima. *
Ecology and Conservation Society (ECCO), Lima.
National Geographic Society of Peru, Lima.
Sala de Reuniones FOPTUR, for Directors and Staff of Fondo de Promocion Turistica del Peru, Lima.
Almenares Hospital, Instituto de Bienestar Familiar del Peru, Lima.
International Seminar "Scientific, Technological and Cultural Information in the Amazon Region," Iquitos, Peru. *
Institute of Veterinary Immunology and Taxonomy at Higher Altitudes, IVITA, Iquitos.
International Seminar "Human Populations and Amazonian Development," Florencia, Colombia. *
International Seminar "Encounters with Latin America," Galeria Angelus, Sponcored by Nucleo de Altos Estudos Amazonicos and Universidade Federal do Para, Belen-Para Brazil. *
Associacao dos Servidores do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Amazonica, (ASINPA), Manaus. *
Forestry Engineering Department, Instituto de Technologia da Amazonia, Manaus.
'Union del Divino Vegetal,' Spiritual Lodge, Manaus.
'Matias Machine' Teaching and Research Foundation, Manaus.
Hotel Imperial, sponsored by Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Prefeitura de manaus, Manaus.
Universidad Jorge Tadeus Lozan, Bogota.
Public showing at Club Salome, Bogota.
Univorsidad Nacional de Colombia, Faculties of Arts, Architecture, Biology and Psychology, Bogota.
Casa 'El Molino del Bequeron,' Association de Exalumnos de la Universidad Nacional, Bogota.
Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Faculties of Architecture, Biology and Psychology, Bogota.
Universidad Catolica, Bogota.
Theatro Technis, London.
Thurroc Technical College, Arts Class, Surrey, UK.
Camley Street National Park Centre, London.
Interchange Community Centre, sponsored by "Cyprus Week" London.
The October Gallery, London.
Foyer International d'Accueil de Paris, sponsored by Medecins Aux Pieds Nus and Press Office of Peruvian Embassy in Paris, Paris.
Cultural Centre of the Popular Bank of Cyprus, sponsored by Cyprus Photographic Society and the Natural Environment Association, Nicosia.
Famagusta Gate Workshop of the Nicosia Municipality, Nicosia.
Researchers of Truth Lodge, Daskalos, Strovolos, Cyprus
American Academy, Nicosia.
House of Arts and Letters, Cyprus Centre of International Theatre Institute, Nicosia
Photographic Society, Larnaca.
Lions Club Coeur de Lion, Limassol
Lions Club Acropolis, Strovolos.
Cultural Centre of Hellenic Bank at Paphos, sponsor Friends of the Earth, Paphos.
The International School, Paphos.
Photographic Society, Limassol. *
Centre Culturel Francais, Nicosia. *
96th Street Regional Library, The New York Public Library.
Rainbow Community Centre, London.
The Peoples' Light and Theatre Company, Malvern, Philadelphia.
Bernhard Centre, Western Michigan University, sponsors: College of Arts and Sciences, Lee Honors College, International Affairs, Geology, Religion, and Environmental Studies, Kalamazoo.
Group or Shamanic Studies, Kalamazoo.
Arts Building, California State University, sponsors: Theatre Arts and Arts Departments, Sacramento.
The Minna Street Gallery, Blasthaus, San Francisco.
The Mid-Manhattan Library, the New York Public Library, New York.
Paley Library Lecture Hall, Temple University Libraries, the Special collections Department, Philadelphia.
Mandeer Restaurant Lecture Annexe, London.
The Theosophical Society, London.
Students' Union, Institute of Education, London University, London.
Global Cafe, Golden Square, London.
Central School of Speech and Drama (for students of postgraduate diploma In Advanced Theatre Practice), London.
Holiday Inn (for Ladies' Benevolent Society), Nicosia.
The World Healing Summit, Monterey, sponsored by The Creative Health Network (USA) and The World Federation of Healing (UK).
St.Patrick's Junior Hight School, Marin, San Francisco.
Open Secret Book Store, Marin, San Francisco.
ACU-S.H.I.E.L.D Wellness Clinic, Boca Raton, Florida
Cabrillo Playhouse, San Clemente Community Theatre, Los Angeles
6th Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution, St Petersburg (Russia), sponsored by The Common Bond Institute (USA) and The Harmony Institute (Russia)
"Visions That The Plants Gave Us" Exhibition at the Richard F Brush Art Gallery, The St Lawrence University, New York. 1/25/99 to 3/13/99. http://www.stlawu.edu/gallery:http/dimas.htm
Visits since 8/21/01
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