Butler's Sampling of Electronic Mailing Lists
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COMMACTIONLIST. ' ... a nationwide Internet Correspondence List to facilitate
communication: (1) between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Office of Community Services (OCS) and its grantee network, and (2) among
anti-poverty Community Action Agencies, non-profit Community Development
Corporations, Housing Development Corporations, and similar organizations.'
Send a one-line message -- subscribe commactionlist your_name
-- to listproc@reddog.acf.dhhs.gov
Community Activism
Neighbors-Online. List host Ed Schwartz says, 'If you want to keep in touch
with neighborhood activists from all parts of Philadelphia, you can subscribe
to neighbors-online -- an email list that brings us all together. Send
a one-line message -- subscribe neighbors-online -- to majordomo@libertynet.org.'
Another regional discussion forum is penn-neighbor mailing
list, "... aimed at creating a dialogue among people working to improve
urban and suburban neighborhoods throughout the Commonwealth of Pennnsylvania
...' managed by Ed Schwartz, founder and President of the Institute
for the Study of Civic Values in Philadelphia. To join this mailing
list, send mail with body subscribe penn-neighbor to Majordomo@world.std.com.
Civic Values is a national discussion list sponsored by Institute
for the Study of Civic Values -- ' ... a mailing list devoted to an
ongoing dialogue on how Americans can work as citizens to achieve the ideals
embodied in the Declaration of Independence, and the Preamble to the Constitution
through active participation in communities and neighborhoods throughout
the United States.' As this list receives dozens of messages per week,
I suggest starting with the digest -- send mail with body SUBSCRIBE CIVIC-VALUES-DIGEST
to Majordomo@world.std.com.
Philadelphia's LibertyNet Volunteers List. Send a one-line message -- subscribe
ln-vols -- to majordomo@libertynet.org.'
ACTIV-L is a moderated list for political activists. To subscribe send
-- Because this is a high volume list I've chosen to receive a summary
only. Once you have subscribed you can send mail to same address, with
body: SET ACTIV-L INDEX to receive just a list of article titles with sender's
ID, with instructions on obtaining selected articles. The articles on list
ACTIV-L also appear on a moderated newsgroup on Usenet called misc.activism.progressive.
If you have access to Usenet, you may prefer to read the newsgroup rather
than subscribe to ACTIV-L. There is also an UNMODERATED newsgroup alt.activism
which includes most, or maybe all, of the articles on ACTIV-L, and lots
of additional feedback (flame war zone). To subscribe to the (moderated)
-- Because this is a high volume list I've chosen to receive a summary
only. Once you've subscribed you can send mail to same address, with body:
SET ACTIV-L INDEX to receive just a list of article titles with sender's
ID, with instructions on obtaining selected articles.
ABOLISH (Capital Punishment). To subscribe, send mail to listserv@SJUVM.stjohns.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
ABOLISH your name
`The PEOPLE'S TRIBUNE is now available on the World Wide Web at http://www.mcs.com/~jdav/league.html
For free electronic subscription, email: pt-dist@noc.org
with the word "subscribe" in the subject.'
CD4URBAN "Community Development Society Urban Info-Sharing Forum." To subscribe,
send mail to listserver@relay.doit.wisc.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
CD4URBAN your name
PNEWS-L mailing list (Progressive News & Views List) by Hank Roth [odin@SHADOW.NET].
To subscribe send mail with body SUBSCRIBE P-NEWS to LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU.
NJ-SPEAKOUT: `We will serve as a clearing house for New Jersey debate and
discussion about what direction to go for those truly sincere about reversing
the trend toward hegemony over our lives by the international corporate
elite. Our focus will be the common, poor, middle class, and working people
of the state of New Jersey. We will serve as a means to organize and mobilize
our forces for a fightback like this state has never seen bef ore. ...The
list is associated with an igc.apc conference called njspeakout.' To subscribe
send mail with body SUBSCRIBE NJ-SPEAKOUT to Majordomo@igc.apc.org.
PA-EXPOSE. `The Pennsylvania
Expose Project is a project of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy.
Its goals are: 1) publicizing the existence of progressive groups mobilizing
to counter the message of Religious Right political groups, 2) bringing
progressive groups in Pennsylvania together to work on coordinated strategies
and the sharing of resources, 3) publicizing the latest religious right
and far-right initiatives in the state of Pennsylvania, and 4) mobilizing
the progressive community.' To subscribe, send mail to pa-expose-request@critpath.org
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
pa-expose your name
MULT-CUL Multicultural discussion list. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU
with the following command in the body of your email message: SUBSCRIBE
ALAWON. ` ... a free, irregular publication of the American Library Association
Washington Office. To subscribe, send the message: subscribe ala-wo [your_firstname]
[your_lastname] to listproc@ala.org.
ALAWON archives at http://www.ala.org/washoff/alawon.
Visit our Web site at http://www.alawash.org.'
APPALDEV (Appalachian Development List). To subscribe send to LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU
email with Subj: (blank), Message: SUB APPALDEV your name
NASHE ` ... the listserver for the National Association of Students for
Higher Education (NASHE). NASHE is a non-profit, non-partisan organization
formed in 1995 as a vehicle for students to lobby on higher education issues,
increase student impact on the political process, and build leadership
on college campuses. This list has been established to communicate regular
legislative updates, circulate information about upcoming conferences and
events, coordinate grassroots efforts, and facilitate discussion about
issues of concern to the organization.' To subscribe, send mail to listserver@relay.doit.wisc.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
NASHE your name
prisonact-list, Prison activist list. To subscribe send mail with body
SUBSCRIBE prisonact-list to Majordomo@igc.apc.org.
For What It's Worth, a mailing list from The
Conservative Corner `... attempts to assemble quality non-mainstream
Conservative text files.' To subscribe to mailing list FWIW send to: listserv@earth.execpc.com
email with Subj: (blank), Message: SUBSCRIBE FWIW
Communet: Community and Civic Network Discussion List -- To subscribe send
If this doesn't work try LISTSERV@UVMVM.BITNET.
For summary only follow up with message SET COMMUNET DIGEST.
Subscribe to TAP-RESOURCES (Tax Payer Assets Project) by emailing message
-- no subject
Stamper's News Nuggets, a random compilation of news items, web & other
internet sites: `This is a read-only list for delivery of a net.letter
containing choice morsels of news about politics and juicy Internet stuff....
Stamper's News Nuggets is compiled by Chris Stamper and is not supported
by any group or organization....' To subscribe send mail with body SUBSCRIBE
Technology Training and
COMPINST-L (Computer Instructor Listserv). ` ... This listserv is a regional
listserv for Northern California (USA) Computer Instructors. We tend to
have a lot of job postings and information that center around San Francisco
and Sacramento, California. People from other states and parts of the world
are welcome to join, however keep in mind that there is a lot of regional
content.' To subscribe, send mail to listserv@netcom.com
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
COMPINST-L your name
NETTRAIN. `This list is intended to provide a forum for Network Trainers
to discuss various issues related to network use and training.' To subscribe,
send mail to LISTSERV@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: SUBSCRIBE
NETTRAIN your name
Subscribe to DEVEL-L (Technology Transfer in International Development)
by emailing message to
subscribe Devel-L your name
-- no subject
Subscribe to TRDEV-L (TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT) by emailing message to
subscribe TRDEV-L your name
-- no subject
Web Page Coding
Philadelphia's LibertyNet hosts the HOMEPAGE mailing list. 'The purpose
of this discussion group is for LibertyNet staff to give HTML and web design
tutorials to nonprofit organizations.' To join this mailing list, send
mail with body SUBSCRIBE HOMEPAGE to Majordomo@philadelphia.libertynet.org.
ADV-HTML. `ADV-HTML is a heavily moderated discussion list for the discussion
of advanced hypertext markup language and other advanced Web topics.' To
subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@ua1vm.ua.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
ADV-HTML your name
CGIHTML. To subscribe, send mail to Majordomo@hcs.harvard.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
NRDC-NEWS. `[Last updated on: Fri Jun 16 1995] ... As a subscriber, you
will receive 'State of Nature'--a bulletin from the front lines of the
environmental protection movement. Published by the Natural Resources Defense
Council every two weeks (or more), 'State of Nature' will keep you up-to-date
on important events in the field.
The initial focus of this bulletin will be anti-environmental legislation,
inspired by the Contract with America, that is currently sweeping through
Congress. We will also feature a changing list of environmental health
stats. Later, we'll expand our coverage.
To subscribe, send mail to Majordomo@igc.apc.org
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
The Sierra Club electronic mailing list is for legislative alerts and other
important information. If you want to join the list, send e-mail to: majordomo@igc.apc.org.
with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: subscribe
AEROSO-L list (A discussion group on particulate matter (PM) in ambient
air). To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@HEARN.nic.SURFnet.nl
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
AEROSO-L your name
the Grass Roots Environmental Organization of New Jersey (GREO), 201-252-0797,
and the New Jersey Environmental Bulletin Board System (NJEBBS), 201-316-0952,
8N1.' To subscribe, send mail to Majordomo@igc.apc.org
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
GSENET-L your name
AUDUBON-PA. `This is the National Audubon Society's online discussion group
for members in Pennsylvania, where you can share timely information about
environmental issues, compare notes about chapter activities, and interact
with Audubon's staff in Pennsylvania.' To subscribe send mail to Majordomo@igc.apc.org
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
This list is maintained by the Center for the Environment
as a general discussion list on topics of the environment. We hope students,
faculty, and staff at Cornell University as well as those outside the university
will use it to discuss aspects of the environment as it relates to Cornell,
the Ithaca area, and New York State, although wider area topics are encouraged
as well.
To SUBSCRIBE send a message TO:
The body of the message should read:
ENVIRONEWS from The EnviroLink Network.
Welcome to the EnviroNews Service. This service will update
you daily with all sorts of news about the environment from around the
To SUBSCRIBE send a message TO:
The body of the message should read:
CERES-L (Collaborative Environments for Conserving Earth Resources). To
SUBSCRIBE send a message TO:
The body of the message should read:
Dialog-Agua-L -- `the information pipeline of the Inter-American Water
Resources Network.... `The purpose of this mail discussion list is to provide
the Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management (IADWM) and its Inter-American
Water Resources Network (IWRN) with the means to share water information
technology, and expertise among the countries of the Western Hemisphere
(via the Internet).'
To SUBSCRIBE send a message TO:
The body of the message should read:
SUB DIALOG-AGUA-L "firstname lastname"
Personal Development
CHOCO, the Chocolate Archives. `On the sixth of each month this mailing
list receives a copy of recipes gathered from various net sources, all
of which contain, of course, that food of the gods - Chocolate. The sources
for the recipes include, but are not limited to: rec.food.chocolate, rec.food.cooking,
rec.food.recipes, and the Chocolate and FOODWINE mailing lists.' To subscribe,
send mail to Majordomo@apk.net
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
International Politics
MENA-H list (History of the Mideast and North Africa). To subscribe, send
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
MID-EAST REALITIES (MER) For latest information: http://www.MiddleEast.Org
To be added to the MER e-mail list message to LISTSERVER@MiddleEast.Org
with only words SUBSCRIBE MER-L in the subject & message areas.'
About the Internet
Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin's Tourbus, `a virtual tour of cyberspace'
has an archive on the web. To subscribe,
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
TOURBUS your name
SCOUT-REPORT. `The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection
of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers
and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome
to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML)....'
Web site: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/
message with body: subscribe SCOUT-REPORT
NET-HAPPENINGS. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@is.internic.net
with the following command in the body of your email message: SUBSCRIBE
Computer Support
PC-ASK: "PC-ASK is one-stop PC support forum." To subscribe send to LISTSERV@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
message with body: subscribe PC-ASK
After your subscription is confirmed, you may want to set it to DIGEST
mode after you get your immediate question answered, so that you'll receive
one message a day, rather than 10 or 12. Send message: set PC-ASK digest
ACCESS-L: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List. To subscribe send
message with body: subscribe ACCESS-L
This list will arrive in digest form, unless you specify otherwise.
EXCEL-L: Microsoft Excel Developers List. To subscribe send to LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM
message with body: subscribe EXCEL-L
After your subscription is confirmed, you may want to set it to DIGEST
mode -- send set EXCEL-L digest
NOVELL list (Novell LAN Interest Group). To subscribe send to LISTSERV@LISTS.INTERNIC.NET
message with body: subscribe NOVELL
WOW `... Woody's Office Watch ... ... a FREE weekly bulletin of the latest
in news, tips and tricks for users of MICROSOFT OFFICE ... (a Microsoft
Word & Office guru comes to your desktop every week!)' To subscribe,
send mail to OHWOW@TMX.NET with
the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe ohwow
pctech-l list (MS-DOS Compatibles Support Group). To subscribe, send mail
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
pctech-l your name
Nonprofit Organizations
Fundraising on the Internet -- fundraising-online : Welcome
to the Internet Mailing List dedicated to Fundraising on the Internet,
operated by Mal Warwick & Associates and the Institute for Global Communications.
We'll use this mailing list to send out periodic announcements about events,
Website updates, books, workshops, and online resources that we think are
of interest. This mailing list has a companion Website at http://www.FundraisingOnline.com
where you will find Website reviews, interviews, news you can use and workshop
announcements. To subscribe, send mail to Majordomo@igc.org
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
AOL has two very active lists on volunteerism. `VOLUNTEERS is dedicated
to the discussion of all aspects of voluntary service to the community.
Professional volunteer program managemnent discussion may be found on CYBERVPM.'
CYBERVPM (Online networking for volunteer program managers). To subscribe,
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
CYBERVPM your name
VOLUNTEERS (Discussing issues relating to voluntary service to the community).
To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
VOLUNTEERS your name
USNONPROFIT-L To subscribe, send mail to usnonprofit-l-request@rain.org
with Subject: subscribe
KIDLINK is an international project for students aged 10-15.
We expect everyone on this list to be subscribed to the KIDLINK list
so you will get the important announcements that are posted there. For
more information about the whole project, you can retrieve the file KIDLINK.GENERAL.
The commands to do this are:
SUBSCRIBE KIDLINK your-full-name-goes-here
These commands must NOT be sent to the address of any of our lists.
The correct address is LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU
Full information about KIDLINK is also available from from our
web server at: http://www.kidlink.org/
SPEDTALK. `Spedtalk is an open, unmoderated list hosted by the University
of Virginia. It is a forum for people to discuss current issues about practices,
policies, and research in special education.' To subscribe, send mail to
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
spedtalk end
EENETS ` ... a moderated forum for people interested in the development
and operation of electronic networks for environmental education.' To subscribe,
send a message to majordomo@igc.apc.org
containing the following single line of text: subscribe eenets
cybermarch-net ` ... a discussion group designed for teachers and students
who are interested in environmental projects from local and global perspectives.
Cybermarch-net is a collaborative effort between Vistanomics, Inc., a company
specializing in developing monitoring tools and teaching materials on topics
such as lower atmospheric ozone and water pollution, and the Global Thinking
Project, an environmental and telecommunications project linking schools
from several countries to explore environmental education topics. Vistanomics
has developed the EcoBadge Monitoring System in which students use chemically
treated filter paper that reacts to ozone in atmosphere. The Global Thinking
Project, headquartered at Georgia State University is providing professional
support to teachers interested in implementing project-based teaching in
their classrooms.' To subscribe send mail to Majordomo@igc.org
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
GOSPEL-L Gospel Music Discussion List. To subscribe, send mail to Maiser@rmgate.pop.indiana.edu
with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe
To read a rambling history of this list, and hear some of my piano
playing in MIDI format, check out my Gospel List page: http://www.voicenet.com/~dbut/listdbut.htm
HWY61-L (The Bob Dylan Discussion List). To subscribe send to LISTSERV@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
email with Subj: (blank), Message: SUB HWY61-L your name
BLUES-L list (Blues Music List). To subscribe send to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU
email with Subj: (blank), Message: SUB BLUES-L your name
community-music-digest: `The Community Music Email List is for the discussion
and distribution of ideas relating to Community Music Ensembles, specifically
community bands and orchestras.'
To subscribe send an email with the text line
subscribe community-music-digest
News Groups Versus Mailing
List Services
A comparison of Usenet news with Email Listservs appears in this post
from PUB-ADV, a public library advocacy mailing list. You can subscribe
to PUB-ADV by emailing message to
with body
subscribe pub-adv [first name] [last name]
-- no subject
`PUB-ADV is a listserv on the Internet established and moderated by
Libraries for the Future . The discussion
list is for public library users, advocates, friends of the library and
anyone else concerned with public library issues.' | Index
| This list has also included discussion of plans to wire US public buildings,
libraries and schools for Internet, telecommunication industry response
and related lobbying efforts. Here's a sample
Listserv pages at this
About Usenet News Groups
This page written by Dave Butler, Computer Guide
dbut@voicenet.com | http://www.voicenet.com/~dbut/