dbut music links revised 11/01/97

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Here are some MIDI-related sites and some music pointers that are

  • Norton Music , ` ... the #1 producer of Band-In-A-Box aftermarket products in the world.'
  • `Play MIDI Instruments Over the Internet with Net Sessions from Full Tilt DesignTM Inc. `... is a Canadian company focused on exploring new frontiers in multimedia over the Internet'
  • `The College of Music at the University of North Texas is conducting a musician health survey . The object of this research is to identify medical problems of musicians. Some semi and non- professional musicians have responded, but we need more. We need musicians of all levels to participate.'
  • Molly-Ann Leikin ``I am a songwriting consultant in Los Angeles and help good songwriters become hit songwriters, by helping you polish and market your songs. Having spent 20 years in the music business as a professional, award-winning songwriter, I really know the business of music as well as every aspect of its creative side.''
  • Keith Snyder wrote me this spring about an excerpt from his book , ``The page is dedicated to my MIDI murder mystery novel, `Show Control,' which will be in bookstores in about two weeks. MIDI, computers, and the main character's home studio are integral parts of the plot. There's an excerpt there, as well as reviews, a book-signing schedule and other odds & ends. The excerpt doesn't feature the MIDI aspects of the book, but they're central to it.''
  • *musicCONNECT* is a fully searchable record catalogue
  • Wildcat Canyon Software makers of WebTracks and Autoscore WebTracks and AutoScore
  • GSRath's Band-In-A-Box site
  • Band-In-A-Box (PGMusic)
  • Phil Ochs
  • Phil Ochs in Print
  • JAMS, `... guide to music in the New York City, New Jersey, and Philly area'
  • Musi-Cal
  • Zappa
  • FolkBook: An Online Acoustic Music Establishment
  • Folk Roots Home Page
  • Dirty Linen Folk Concert Listings by artist
  • Adelaide Australia
  • Philadelphia Folk Song Society Info | alternate address
  • Elvis Costello
  • Christine Lavin Home Page
  • Folk_Music Digest
  • The Community Music Mailing List Home Page
  • midi files sequenced by dbut | other midi links

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    Hope you enjoy your visit

    Dave Butler, dbut@omni.voicenet.com