Dave Butler's Volunteer Partners
Page for Community Activists
revised 11/01/97
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Community Action

In October of 1997 I received a message from Dave Matthews via his COMMACTIONLIST mailing list full of kind words for my work on Dave Butler's Volunteer Partners Page for Community Activists. For several months I've been lurking on this mailing list, ' ... a nationwide Internet Correspondence List to facilitate communication: (1) between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Community Services (OCS) and its grantee network, and (2) among anti-poverty Community Action Agencies, non-profit Community Development Corporations, Housing Development Corporations, and similar organizations.'

For subscription info on this list, and on many other mailing lists of interest to Community Activists, see my Guide to Electronic Mailing Lists.

Thanks, Dave! Before today, this page was last revised 03/18/97, but I believe it still has many valuable links. I've been planning to reorganize this and all the pages at my aging Voicenet web site. I began this site as a repository for the MIDI files I was pumping out a couple years ago, using my electric piano and an accompaniment-generating program named Band-in-a-Box.

Meanwhile, I've started a new web site at GeoCities. I'm slowly moving to GeoCities all my pages relating to community activism, education, and libraries. The Volunteer Partners Page will be moving there soon.

volunteer opportunities volunteer resources
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lighthouse animation from jolly roger

Neighborhood activists everywhere

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