Cat Olympics Page

border made of cats
grumpy cat on couch Here is Cinder - the famous Roumanian gymnast - performing a double back upholstery grip on the couch appartus.
two cats licking their bums A favourite event with all cats - the synchronised bottom lick!
cat and rabbit sitting together Here is Katya and Kiki - waiting for their marks in the mixed doubles ice skating event.
cat sniffing 8 ball Nigel Fluff - the reigning British pot black champion - takes a moment to consider strategy before addressing the 8 ball to win the match.
cat sticking out its tongue One spectator expresses his disapproval of the closing ceremonies.

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That's it for Cat Olympics so far. If you have a picture of an athletic cat please email it to me with details of you and your kitty and I will add it to this page. Thanks
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