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Each sample was individually cleaned by solid phase extraction using HPLC grade methanol, isopropanol, and acetonitrile. Three sample extractions were analysed using a Waters 486 HPLC, with a Waters 600 controller and a Waters 600 pump. The flow rate was 1.5 mL/minute. The mobile phase was a mixture of HPLC grade acetonitrile and HPLC grade water. The detectors were a Waters 486 UV Absorbance Detector and a Waters 470 Fluorescent Detector. The reverse phase column was a Novapak C-18. The analytes were compared against a certified commercial standards mixture of 16 recognised substances for Quality Assurance. The total time of the run was 25 minutes.
During the HPLC analysis, the lighter PAH molecules elute off from the HPLC reverse phase column quicker than the heavier PAH molecules. PAH molecules undergo fluorescence with an excited state at wavelength 270 nm and an emission length of wavelength 380 nm.
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