For a wonderful selection of Fresh Hawaiian Flowers and Leis contact Sri Shim who will assist you with your special requests. He has a lovely shop located in the atrium of the Hale Koa Hotel in Waikiki and has local knowledge of the Hawaiian flowers and leis and can guide you to the right selection for that special occasion. He carries cut flowers such as anthiriums, bird-of-paradise, halekonia, protea, orchids and more. His selection of leis depend on the season but include: white or yellow ginger, vanda mauna loa, Christina, maile, cigar flower, and many, many more that are very unusual and highly treasured by the local Hawaiians. Contact him and let him know what your needs are and he can help suggest the right item.
His prices are very reasonable and shipping is direct to your door.
Sri Shim: Toll Free (1-800) 250-2317
or (808) 944-0044
e-mail: srishim@ALOHA.NET
Tell him Meilie sent you! Aloha!