These are the only river dolphin (member of the superfamily Platanistoidea) that live in salt water. They are found in the estuary of the Rio de la Plata during most of the seasons, but during winter they migrate either out to sea or upwards along the coast of Brazil.
Are found along the costal waters of South America from the Doce River in Brazil south to the Valdez Peninsula in Argentina. They are also common in the estuaries of the Rio de la Plata, hence the common name, La Plata dolphin.
They are very picky eaters and in each area only a few species account for the majority of their food. In Uruguayan waters the most common fish is Cynoscion striatus. In Brazil, the most common are Paralonchurus brasiliensis, C. striatus, Macrodon ancylodon, and Micropongonias furnieri.
Females eat more squid than males. Juveniles eat more shrimp than adults.
Females breed once about every two years. Matings happen from December to February, births from September to December. Females lactate until the following August or September, and then rest for several months. The gestation period lasts from 9 to 10.5 months and lactation can take up to 9 months. The young are born about 0.75 - 0.80m in length and weigh about 7.3 - 8.5kg. Once the calf is born it takes up to 1-3 years to reach physical maturity and 2-3 years for sexual maturity.
They are not as playful as other dolphins and often shy away from boats.
The oldest female examined was 13 years old, and the female lifespan is thought to be about 15 years. This female did not show any eviedence of being senile. The oldest male was 16 years old, and the lifespan of males may be about 18-20 years.
Because of their pale colored bodies and their shy nature toward humans, these dolphins are known to local fishermen as "the white ghost".
http://www.geobop.com/mammals/Cetacea/Platanistidae/, All rights reserved.
Brownell,Jr, Robert L. 1989. Handbook of Marine Mammals: Volume 4 River Dolphins and the Larger Toothed Whales. Academic Press, San Diego.
http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/pontoporia/p._blainvillei.html, All rights reserved.
http://www.fjord-best.com/alex/franciscain.htm, All rights reserved.
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