Grey Scale
This is not an official Grey scale but one I made using photoshops' standard colour table.
white is 0 and Black 15.
As an experiment to see whether I could determine the depth of colour -- greyness -- of the Adult Birds I had photographed. I cut from some picture on page one, a small square - taken from wing or mantle - and pasted them all into a new image in Photoshop -- images above the line -- then converted this image to greyscales - below the line.
From my own greyscales I then pasted a section corresponding to 6 (left ) to 10 (right) at the bottom of this image. The lightest square from a Bird when compared GREY TO GREY gave a result of 8.. This was for the Barabensis image Feb28_05 which I felt should have for this image come out closer to seven.
Knowing from experience that the light here tends to make thing darker I felt that this was a fair result indicating that when not affected by shadow etc. the Images were probably close at worst one whole shade darker than expected.
The Common Black-headed gull at the bottom gave a result of 3 edging towards 4.I have been told
it should have been closer to two plus.
I hope this helps.
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