
Helping our Wildlife

We are losing wildlife at an unprecedented rate. Here are some shocking statistics dealing with species extinction:

-1,090 species of fish, wildlife, and plants are either threatened or endangered in the United States today

-Developers have built on over 80% of our coastline in every state but Alaska. This destroys fragile habitat for shorebirds, shellfish, and sea turtles.

-Agribusiness and developers have destroyed more than half of america's wetlands: That's177 million acres that can no longer filter water, prevent flooding, or support fish and waterfowl

-Timber companies have logged over 90% of old-growth forests in the U.S. 25 million acres can no longer shelter our wildlife, filter our water, or provide us with the natural serenity of wilderness

-Over 90% of rivers in this country are too degraded to qualify as "wild and scenic" rivers, which means reduced water quality for the fish and animals which depend on them, and fewer recreational oppertunities for us

-In the last 200 years, 500 recorded species in the U.S. have become extinct, more than half since 1980


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