In November of 1995, an activist by the name of Ken Saro-Wiwa and nine others were executed by the Nigerian government. They had been accused of treason because they had spoken out about the oil spills, deforestation, and other environmental degredation caused by Shell Oil Company when they came to test for oil on their tribe's land. Shell had full knowledge of the plans to execute them, yet they did nothing. Many say that they even encouraged it. Today, there are still 19 activists in prison for speaking out. The tribe has been silenced by the threats and abuses performed by their government in a project known as the Ogoni Pacification. This project has forced these once peaceful and healthy people to put up with the fumes, oil spills, and health risks associated with Shell's activities. They are afraid to speak out, for they know that they will suffer the same fate as Saro-Wiwa and the others. We must act as their voices. Please write to Shell Oil and their parent company, Royal Dutch Shell, and ask them to clean up the mess they made in Nigeria, as well as the other poor countries which they have exploited in the name of profit. Refuse to buy Shell gasoline, as well. You may also wish to write to the Nigerian Government and request that they stop the Ogoni Tribe's Pacification.