The Answer Page!

VA HIMSS Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I become a member?
How do I get an Information Brochure?
What does it cost to become a member?
What does it cost to attend a program?
How long is my membership good for?
What are the annual dues and the meeting fees used for?
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
What are some of the topics covered in the meetings?
How can my organization sponsor a program and what are the benefits?

How do I become a member?
You may pay your membership dues at the meetings, or you can fill out a membership application and return it via mail. An application is also printed in the chapter information brochure.

How do I get an Information Brochure?
Complete the form on the VA HIMSS Home Page, checking the box next to "Send me an Information Brochure." Also, you can request a brochure by e-mailing the Publications Director.

What does it cost to become a member?
The cost of membership is $25. Full-time students receive a discounted rate of $10. Dues may be paid in cash or by check made payable to "Virginia Chapter of HIMSS". Receipts are issued by the VA HIMSS Treasurer.
A special "Corporate Membership" is also available. A company may send one (1) member per corporate slot it purchases to each meeting (i.e., you are not limited to sending the same person to every meeting). Corporate memberships cost $25 + $25 per slot.

What does it cost to attend a program?
The cost of each program is $15 for members and $30 for guests.

How long is my membership good for?
Memberships are valid through the end of the calendar year.

What are the annual dues and the meeting fees used for?
Money collected from annual dues and meeting fees is used for the following:

What are the benefits of becoming a member?
Please visit the Membership Benefits page for additional information regarding benefits.

What are some of the topics covered in the meetings?
The four programs include topics largely determined by input from our members. Programs have and will include such topics as:
In addition to structured presentations our members benefit from round table discussions on pertinent topics and time for networking with members to learn what is going on around the state and the nation.

How can my organization sponsor a program and what are the benefits?
Two (2) sponsorship slots are available per program. For $250 your company can sponsor a quarterly program and receive:
Please check our upcoming programs page for more information on the program dates and themes. If you would like to sponsor a meeting, please contact Jim Bale ( or Paul Bednar (

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