What does being a Christian mean?

Before we start this discussion, please know that the points I make here are not to be considered an exhaustive listing of what being a Christian means. A full discussion on what being a Christian means will easily fill a book.

Let's go. Being a Christian means that I have come to trust in the redemptive work Jesus (see What is a Christian?). It means that I have asked Jesus to guide my life. It means that I have asked God (Jesus) to have a relationship with me and he has established that relationship.

Seeing as Jesus has established, our relationship, this relationship grows as I grow to know him better. I can come to Jesus (God) and make requests and/or ask questions. Because, I can talk with him about anything, I have a peace within me that I can't adequately explain. In the book of Philippians (that is one of the New Testament books of the Bible) in the fourth (4th) chapter and the seventh (7th) verse, there is a reference to a peace that is given by God to the believers in Jesus Christ that passes beyond our human understanding. In simple terms this means that when things are not going 'right' or the way I want them to, I can turn to God and talk with him about it (that is comforting).

Please note I have not said anything about 'actions' love your neighbor…, turn the other cheek …, avenge not yourselves.… Maybe, you have heard of such sayings. Certainly, 'actions' reflect aspects of what being a Christian means. However, the bottom line is, being a Christian is about is about relationship with God. My relationship with God, is reflected in my actions (yours too).

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