Searching the basics

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NOTE: This was translated from spanish with the help of one of those automatic translation programs ... I was too lazy to do it on my own ... so several things might sound quite funny :)


Through this analysis, I am in the search of some basic concepts, redefining some of those that form me as a person... I am looking forward to achieve a starting point; with the aim of seeing farther, starting from my current position, and by this way being able to device a plan that will allow me to transit the best road that the destiny determines for me to settle down. That is to say, I am crazyyy:) ( I don't know why did I put this Document in here. Anyway, it only represents (of course) MY CONCEPTS).





There still lack infinity of topics, which I am answering them when I can (I need time for this!). I will integrate new stuff in here, as soon as I write it :) or not! ... hmmm...

The goal of life:

If I get hurried, I would just say that it is to be happy. . But (not to be confused) this is no excuse for me ... in the following sense: I believe that in the personal realization it is the key for the happiness. Or at least great part of the solution to this equation. It is not valid for me to surrender with the excuse that it is the destiny, or that a superior being determined that this is the way that things shall develop for me.

For that reason, I believe that one should (attempt) to manage all the variables which are within each one´s reach to achieve to live in the most completely and positively possible way... and as last goal, to be happy (although this is not an objective, but rather it is a consequence of the first thing, I suppose that together with other things).

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Realization (personal)

I find that the personal realization begins with a clear vision of what we want to be, in each field (professional, family, friendship, etc), enumerated as objectives or goals.

The road towards the realization is cleared through the fight, the instruction and the patience... Ingredients without which I don't believe that it is possible to advance !!!.

Therefore, to be able to be realized personally, I have to have very clear WHAT is it what I want, and to be willing to apply all the necessary energy to achieve it (to me, this is a problem, of course).

As I manage to achieve the different goals that I have self-proposed in search of my realization, I manage to see more far away, and therefore imposing me new objectives, more and more severe as for the effort that is required to reach them.

This can generate a problematic situation, as you get the risk of intending goals that might exceed our personal capabilities... I am aware that this sounds mediocre, as it is clear that it is always necessary to look as far as possible... but it is also sad to observe all those individuals that evidently are in the search of their personal realization during all their lives, being permanently frustrated or blindfold that they only live to feed these proposed objective-goals. Is this an extreme limit ?

I think that this also meets with a problem of limits and mean points. In finding the appropriate balance among the proposed objectives, the available tools and our very own lives with their own -dangerously capricious, but queerly not so random--variables.

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The destiny:

Whim or randomness... or... the will of one or more superior beings? ... or... a simple law of the chance?

At this time of my life I am sure that there is a component of randomness, perhaps, but alone in the small, daily things, and without more transcendency... But the life has given me infinity of tests that the medullary facts that mark the road, definitively obey a whim that the definition of chance transcends!

This is an important reason to study each one of these facts in search of the teaching that they have implicit.

Summarizing, it is not probably correct to attribute to the randomness, without more study, each fact that is the sufficiently powerful to generate in us a real change... and not in vain we suspect sometimes (or we have the certainty) that the same ones are work of a whim, defining to superior as any point from the range " God " to " Nature " (although this range is surely only one being)..

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The religion:

I don't want to make the error of designating to a religious current as OFFICIAL, because I don't believe that no one of them have the " TRUTH " in this!.

Thousands of religious currently exist. Some expire in their concepts and they die, others they go modifying to be continue effective, others are born responding the different necessities of certain region or ethnic group, others are really solid in their bases and they last, and lastly those that are pursued are and eliminated by all the other ones (because they surely attempt against their stability or credibility).

For me, practically all are views in oneself plane:

The religion has been and it is the main motif of wars and deaths in the humanity. Regrettably, this it is an unquestionable fact.

It transmits a truth (almost always extremist in their concepts) as "THE TRUTH", demanding their followers an observance and subjection to the same -so punishes of being sanctioned moral or even physically -. But the -the worst - punish that they might offer is absolutely overwhelming for the blind followers of their faith: The non acceptance of their God and the fatal consequence of finishing in the HELL (or their diverse variants). There is not apparent escape from this. A threat of these characteristics subjects any faithful follower to the wiliness of the religion, being a very powerful weapon in its ´administrators' hands!.

It is also an excuse of many people to accept without bigger study or rebeldy; positive or negative change that the destination interposes before them. If the change is of positive nature, they give thanks to the entity (or entities) that command its religious current, attributing them the authority in the fact. If the change is negative, they conform to adducing that this entity had to make it because it was necessary as lesson, or test of some type or simply because was the layout for their destiny -that of course- obeys to the secret and undecipherable designs of the God. PASSIVE individuals, CONFORMISTS... Another sad factor that transforms all this blind-faith people into manipulable masses.

I conclude that the limitless faith in the different religions is truly dangerous since it takes to the individual to a plane many times quarreled with the reality, the reason, the common sense and fundamentally the freedom (particular and flagrantly that of the free thought).

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the truth

The truth, like absolute and abstract element, independent of the human being, does it exist? So that a truth can exist, won't it be needed an agent obligatorily (human being) that has the possibility to consider it logically and to enunciate it as truth? If this outline is correct (summarized that the truth for if alone it is not such, as it rather needs at least a person that confirms it and it enunciates it), then it passes the following thing:

People say that there are so many truths (facets of the truth) as thinking beings there are in this world. From the moment in which the individual is fully convinced of his truth, this is a fully valid statement. This means that -depending on the convictions, beliefs, education and each human being conditions-, each person will form his own truth.

This is a double edged weapon, since you can take an individual (or a group, or even a nation or whole ethnic group) to believe in a " truth " pre-furbished through the education and the appropriate publicity. This can be seen today (to mention an example) in the hate that the towns siblings of CHILE, BOLIVIA and PERU have between them. Or we can also study cases like those of the Jews and the Palestinian.

Then, and returning to a philosophical plane... Is there an absolute truth? I think that some simple truths can be enunciated as an universal starting point... but there is another condition that attempts against any truth (even the simple ones), and this is not another thing that the time. Today we have a completely convincing truth... but tomorrow this can be crashed down with easiness by any fact (even fortuitous) that we still ignore at this time. Therefore, the truth is also SUBJECTIVE ... and EPHEMERAL.

Going deeper in this, any individual, institution or organization that tries to proclaim or to promote their truths like "THE TRUTH" in an absolute, general and irrefutable way, are attempting against the other ones, since such a thing doesn't exist. This focus gets really dangerous in direct relationship with the quantity of people that accepts their "ABSOLUTE TRUTH" speech (E.g. Pinochet, Hitler, Franco, etc.)

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the Ignorance?

The lack of knowledge. And, of course, the worst ignorance is to ignore ours own. In fact, from the moment in that we plan to have the total knowledge on a topic, we are lost. For several reasons:

The first one is that we begin to abandon the continuous search of new solutions, elements and variants that characterize to all good one studious in any order. To lock completely in what one understands as truth and not to listen new options with an appropriate spirit it is the principle of the problem. It is indispensable to be open-minded to the new thing, even when this implies to throw away our old concepts, since this will happen equally sooner or later, since the new thing replaces to the old thing in all the orders, with or without our acceptance.

In second place it is necessary to notice that the behavior exposed in the previous paragraph is very notorious and irritant for all the other people that surround them, and they immediately begin to run away as they start to be disbelieved about the capacity of those which adopts this road.

Another terrible form of the ignorance, is the one that hides in the conformism and the comfort. There are those persons that doesn't look for the knowledge because he/she understands that it is not required for their form of living. This people are already condemned. The lack of search easily transforms them into a manipulable and docile human being in the hands of those that have the knowledge!

Lastly, those are (more and more) that don't have the tools to understand these ideas. The adquisicion of knowledge is well beyond their scope, since they are excluded from the society. This people were born convict without possibilities of being integrated to everything that is even BASIC for us.

Summarizing, for me (and I find this very difficult I know!) the correct position to adopt is always that of "I only know that I know nothing" accompanied by a lot of humbleness, and to be in permanent investigation and study with the purpose of learning. These two things allow to illuminate in great measure my road in the search of the knowledge.

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the publicity and the consumption


Since we insert ourselves in this society, the same one goes modeling us artificially through different means, but particularly by the means of publicity. A great deal of effort is advocated to the design and production of publicity with the goal of generating in the masses the interest, or better yet, the necessity to consume, although the products are impractical, faulty or even harmful.

On the other hand, the individual's life is dedicated to the work, with the objective of obtaining money to acquire the biggest quantity of things because he/she has to have them. The credit systems appear, and with them the acquisition of these products is even easier, but in fact the individual is mortgaging their work (many times in an irresponsible form).

When uniting the two previous paragraphs, we conclude that most of the people works with the objective of consuming, unfocusing his real objectives of life, and taking the whole matter in a simple question of "I am better", or I feel better because I have or I use this" (nucleus of the message in the great majority of the advertising proposals).

A mechanism that can serve the individual so that it is not deceived by this system are the CONSUMER PROTECTION societies. To educate him on the variables that really influence in the benefits of each product and to notice him when certain brand is not satisfactory. Pity is that you cannot avoid the limitless consumption, but at least you can protect the individual; alerting it this way.

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those that create vs. those that consume

What is it worse? a cinema movie, one of television, or a written fiction? In all them the individual that absorbs them raisin to live and to participate in the fantasy that is the life of the participants of the work. If one enjoys this, does that mean that in fact he/she enjoys the situation or world outlined by the author? If this is the way, and the story is a fiction, does the person prefer a fiction then to the reality? What does it happen when the individual is fanatic of an author in particular? "You tell me what do you read or watch, and I will I tell you how are you ?"

When one consumes this type of material, can it be said that he/she is subjecting somehow to the will and ideas of the fiction´s creator ?

As it is commonly said: there are two types of people in this world: those that think, and those that not; The shepherds and the flocks; those that make television and those that consume it; those that write the stories and those that read them; Those that innovate and create and the conformists. I want to think that I can aspire to be in the first place!

For that reason I don't have clear until which point is good to be identified at a higher level than that of interest and/or simple recreation with a certain author -which is a human being after all-, that in the worst of the cases he/she tries to subject his consumers to its ideas...

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the Honor

The honor is that thing which allows the people to measure if they can or cannot have the certainty that one will carry out its words. This concept doesn't accept a graduation or scale, but there of the binary one. White or Black. The honor is inserted in the life even in the simplest attitudes and it marks a high percentage of the image that we expose toward the rest of the people.

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the Work

Everything points out that the work is necessary, not only that it dignifies the man (I suppose that to discuss this becomes a question of moral identity), but rather beyond the doubt, the work discharges a series of tensions and energy in the mental plane. The question becomes IN WHAT DO WE INVEST OUR WORK!. There are diverse situations:

The working hours can be invested in commercial or lucrative tasks. In this case two cases can be given: In the first one, the concept of "Employee". Here the invested hours generate a lucre for a third entity that is The "Employer". The same one will pay a constant figure to the "Employee of".

The second case implies that the individual works for his own benefit. This work generates a gain that he gathers for himself. Then his time is worth the exact price of his work (being east of subjective character). The topic that is relevant here (that in the previous case of "Employee of" it also exists, but relegated to one second or third plane) it is the individual's ability to be sold to his customers.

One sells his image through two mechanisms: The first one is the experience directly obtained by the work itself (usually testified by the conformity of the consumers of it) that is measured in the quality of the service and the product in question. The second mechanism of sale of oneself is the publicity of the merits and studies that one has, in direct relationship to the work that he/she carries out.

A last situation is that of the honorary work. If the individual invests hours of his own work in a cause of his sympathy, then the retribution for the same one won't be in money, but equally we can say that its work generates dividends that is gathered under the realization form and personal satisfaction.

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It is a pure, abstract feeling that for me, it enters inside the range of such concepts as the infinite, the goodness, the badness, etc (Plato) that seems to be recorded in our minds from our very beginning, evidencing rakes of non terrestrial and non material concepts in our souls (that they are not acquired while we are in our material transit in this world). The different faces of the love can segment in the following way: The love for the neighbor, to the siblings, to the parents, to the friends, to the couple.

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the physical plane

I go to the basic thing. I am an organic, flimsy machine. I have countless factors, out of my reach most of them, that define the time and the quality in which I exist.

Also, seemingly, on the contrary, I have the control of some of these such variables as my person's care, on that which I exercise certain control.

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the mental plane

My body acts in function of my soul or spiritual being that I can separate it in the following categories: The logic, the will, the imagination, the instincts and the morals, in a delicate balance.

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the limits

Here I shall immediately arise the question that until what level is reasonable (what is it to be reasonable?) to take the control of the few variables on which I have the power to act and try to take them to the most beneficial limit for my person. How much time and efforts can I consider appropriate to invest in this task?

Avoid the limits! Will my objective be in the life to take the control of these variables and to be devoted to that the same ones act perfectly? No, I don't believe in this.

It scares me to arrive to an extreme or limit. But I find clear also that the person that takes as a way of life being held to the exact half point in each variable of his life, it also incurs in an error. It is that this is a relative concept, and due to it the half point is not such.

In fact, it oscillates more or less in a very flexible way that even allows you to arrive to the limit. The secret resides in being able to spread, yes, toward a half point, but without leaving aside the necessary flexibility to be able to support the blows, as it is necessary to maintain the good sense in front of an extreme situation.

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my origin

I am the result of the works of nature. This is the same for all the living beings as they are meant to find a way of reproducing and perpetuate themselves. Also, my parents didn't have opportunity to define me at their will. They created a human being; and here we shall not discuss the love or the effort it took. That is another thing. Concretely, again, my creation is product of the nature. This is something that is coded in all the alive beings, and one of the primary and unavoidable objectives for any animal and vegetable. Will it be then our first debt with that mechanism of the nature ?.

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to fall in love

Evidently it doesn't go by something measured or calculated which obeys a previously devised plan. The moment in that one perceives that is entering in the state of love can be very subtle, and transparent to all those that surround you, but -maybe- for the other part. Something clear enough for me is that it unchains a series of reactions and feelings (that can be used as thermometer): Let us define it like a general interference at a mental level, with antagonistic effects of fear, happiness, anxiety, etc. that unbalances the person's normal operation, that usually makes him/her to act as a fool:)

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the Morals

There are such moral concepts such as (for example) those justified or defined by the instinct that include the pure and abstract of the good and of the wrong, of the fear, of the pleasure, etc that evidently accompany us from our beginnings in this world. The rest of the moral concept is acquired through our walk on the society. The ridiculous thing is that this moral concepts vary thoroughly in the different societies ... but -then again- I cannot choose where I am born and where I educate myself, not having more choice than to absorb what it is given to me. This borrowed morals is the subtle generator of prejudices and discriminations in all the orders. It is indispensable to train oneself in the ability of observing all what surrounds me, evidencing these last cases.

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the conformism

This is a dangerous concept. Truth is that human beings can adapt to extreme situations of pressure and stress, definitively adverse for them, or on the other side, to undergo sedentary forms of life (as much in the physical thing as in the mental thing) to mention two of the possible ends. Here one runs the risk of taking a conformist attitude in both of these roads and by this way adopt it as a way of life. It is necessary to be in permanent alert so that this never happens !. But then, another problem arises, and it is that it is very difficult to perceive an attitude of this type when one himself live inside it !

A comment that I have, is that almost without exception, all the big brilliant ideas, art, cientific discoveries and inventions have been produced by individuals that were in a situation of pressure, censorship, stress and/or extreme unconformism (dictatorships, the inquisition, ethnic discrimination, indifference, materialism, etc.).

Once that one is conscious about if he/she either takes or not a conformist attitude, it is also necessary to ask the question that if there is an official way of living the life, or if one really has the whole freedom of living it strolling among the ends that I most like, although it is clear that the last judge of any type behavior -in the case that this judge is meant to exist- it does not exist in a material form on this earth, with the only exception of myself.

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