Josh Montague
- University of Miami School of Law, Miami, Florida
- On schedule to graduate in May 2002. B grade average.
- Related Course Work: Contracts, Civil Procedure, Evidence, Legal Research Techniques.
- Attended University of Miami’s Summer 2000 Study Abroad program in Spain
- University of Maryland at College Park, May 1996
- May 1996 undergraduate, Sociology major.
- B grade average. Dean’s List.
- Related Course Work: Statistics, Statistical Analysis, Institutions, Sociological Theory
- Computer Training Courses:
- Microsoft Windows 95 (August 1997 at HTR in Rockville, MD)
- Microsoft Project 4.1 (December 1996)
- July 1998 – July 1999: Abacus Technology Corporation, Chevy Chase, Maryland
- Webmaster, responsible for designing and maintaining corporate website
- Client project team member, responsible for research, solution, and operation implementation. Including website design and development, and client support for government consulting projects
- August 1997 to June 1998: Trusted Information Systems of Rockville, MD
- Technical Support Specialist, responsible for first-line customer support for TIS’s core product, Gauntlet Firewall.
- Tech project team member, responsible for website design, implementation and maintenance of technical support website
- June 1996 to August 1997: CFI ProServices Inc. of Portland, OR
- Product Support Specialist, responsible for maintaining and upgrading local office technology environment, researching variety of product, companies, technology, issue and industry topics.
- Providing pre- and post-sales support, marketing and sales presentations, creating and maintaining sales databases, monthly management reports, project plans, and
- Coordinating activities of Maryland office with other CFI offices
- June 1994 to June 1996 American Window Systems of College Park, MD
- Sales Associate and Crew Chief, (While being a full-time student at the University of Maryland
- Established initial contact with client through aggressive door to door canvassing of areas
- Responsible for pre-sales activities
- Training and supervision of five pre-sales representatives
- Canvasser of the Month multiple times
5/94 to 9/94 Genesys Solutions, Inc. of Rockville, MD
- Summer Intern
- Responsible for general office support, client telephone support, market research and white paper reports.
- Technology: Windows NT/98/95/3.x, Unix; Office 2000, Corel Suite, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, FTP, Telnet, FrontPage, Adobe Acrobat & PhotoShop, Visio VuePrint, Graphics Workshop.
- Learning to speak Spanish
References available upon request
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