Bob Nelson's Open Computing Resources

Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

  —— Henry Spencer

UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things.

  —— Doug Gwyn

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Origins Listing: radio and television call letters

In addition to computing-related resources, an HTML-ized version of the Call Letter Origins Listing is available. The 29 March 2002 listing is now at version 125. It's a compilation of over 2750 "call letters" used by broadcast stations (radio and television) and the meanings that often lurk behind these seemingly random sequence of letters. For example, KRLD here in the Dallas area stands for "R)adio L)abs of D)allas".

Linux: a free Unix operating system

Now with well over 58,900,000 users around the world and an annual growth rate of 212%, Linux has long been the choice of computing professionals. Increasingly, even the casual (yet thoughtful) computer user is also finding this robust, crashproof operating system to be of great value…and the price is certainly unbeatable. That's why so many people choose to upgrade from Windows ME, Windows NT and Windows 2000 to the Linux platform. The mainstream media, such as Time-Warner's CNN, recognize the phenomenal growth of Linux.

Unix: the Internet's operating system

Over a quarter-century of improvements and ongoing refinements have made Unix the unchallenged leader among the world's operating systems. Your viewing of this page, of course, is made possible by Unix.

C, Java and Perl: programming related resources

The Unix operating system begat both the C programming language (from work done at AT&T Bell Labs in Murray Hill) and Larry Wall's incredible Perl language. Likewise, it was a Unix company, Sun Microsystems, that developed the portable Java language. Here are several starting points to explore these computing tools and the foundation of much of the world's software.

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