C, Java and Perl programming related resources

The astute programmer prefers the Unix platform for development. However, the languages featured here are portable to other less-capable operating systems.

The C Programming Language

Without a doubt, Peter Seebach deserves a mention in anything programming-related. His knowledge of the C programming language is evident in his role as co-moderator of Usenet's comp.lang.c.moderated newsgroup. In spite of the pink, you'll also note that his web page remains 100% content-based!

Although "The C Programming Language" is the canonical way to master the language, a more recent book by K.N. King , "C Programming: A Modern Approach" is worthy of mention. K&R2 is noted for its economy of words whereas King's more expansive style may be an easier read. Both books belong on the shelf of the serious C programmer.

Of course, no astute C programmer would get far without the incredibly helpful FAQ! Steve Summit continues to maintain this must-have document for readers of Usenet's comp.lang.c newsgroup. Even seasoned veterans of C programming depend upon the comp.lang.c FAQ-list and the vast amount of knowledge therein.

The Java Language

Java is a portable language that superficially resembles the syntax of C++. Unlike either C or C++, Java does not compile to native machine code for a given platform. Instead, its bytecode is intended for a Java Virtual Machine or JVM. This allows the compiled programs to run on any platform supporting the JVM, hence the familiar phrase: write once, run anywhere.

The canonical source for information is from the company that developed Java, Sun Microsystems' Java site.

A number of other useful starting points to explore Java include:

The Perl Programming Language

Perl is a scripting language that combines the best features of shell programming along with constructs similar to awk and sed. It is the defacto choice for doing CGI on the web. But Perl provides so much more than just that...as you'll discover by exploring these links:

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