H1B Visa Sponsoring Companies

This is an extensive list of the Hi-Tech companies in the US who sponsors H1B work permit.A short description of the services offered by these companies are also provided. It also has some of the contact addresses and links to job search engines and job counseling portals. These companies sponsors H1B visa or green card even if it is not mentioned on their site. If you have comments about the reliability of any company or if you have data that someone does not make the visa or you know some firm not given here which does make H1 visa, send a letter with the description to me or post it in the guest book. More than a 1000 H1B aspirants visit this site every month. Beforehand thank you for going through this list and come back for more!. Good luck!. Also check out the list of the top IT consulting companies. The original of this list can be found here.
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          List of the top IT consulting companies.


  1. Paragon
  2. Parametric Tech.
  3. Park Computer Systems
  4. PathFinders
  5. PDS
  6. Pennar
  7. Perform   Management consultancy firm
  8. PF1 Consulting
  9. Picket Corp
  10. Pinnacle   Software development and consulting corporation
  11. Pipeline Sogtware
  12. Pitchi
  13. PHD Consulting
  14. Polaris   Provider of front end technology, CRM, datawarehousing, SAP portals, workflow solutions, EKM solutions
  15. Portnov Computer School
  16. Powernet
  17. Precision Response Corporation   Services in e-commerce, teleservices and information management systems
  18. Precision Systems Design
  19. PRG
  20. ProDX
  21. Professional Consulting Network
  22. Professional Recruiting Services
  23. ProNet   IT consultancy services
  24. ProSoftnet   Provider of wireless solutions such as WAP, SMS and bluetooth and intelligent information sharing productivity tools
  25. Price Waterhouse Coopers
  26. Primetech
  27. Prism Resources
  28. Professional Services USA
  29. PRT
  30. PVI Firstcall