- Sai Software Consultants
- SEI IT Offers e-business solutions, CRM solutions, implementation and technical support solutions
- Shiva Systems
- Sigma Systems
- Silverstream Delivers web services-oriented applications based on Java and XML
- Siris Soft
- skillcenter
- Sharkfest
- Sofatel
- Softland
- SoftPro
- Software Technology Deals with networking systems, parallel processing, shell programming, data processing/warehousing and multimedia services
- SoftSol
- Softstream Corp.
- Software-Unlimited
- Software Technology Assocoates Inc.
- Solara SystemsIT staffing specialist
- Sony
- SpaceAge Consulting
- Specsoft Consulting
- Spectrum Solutions Expertise in client/server, mainframe, groupware, ERP, networking and web technologies
- SRA Laguna
- STSWorldWide (Software Technical Services)
- Sumak Enterprises
- Sun Microsystems
- Sunrise Systems Consultants specialized in internet, e-commerce, clinical trials, data management, Oracle consulting
- Supra Telecom
- Svam Software
- Symcon
- Synergy Solutions
- Syntel Inc
- System Integration Solutions
- S.V. International