1926 Calgary City Map with a few Street numbers

1926 small
1926 large
1926 street
1926 wide
1955 small
1955 large
1960 city

The map above is a small portion "Compiled from surveys by the Topographical Survey of Canada and from information supplied by Dominion and Provincial Departments and by Railway Companies Revision of map of June, 1914".

It also states "Drawn and printed at the office of the Topographical Survey of Canada, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, June, 1926".

This map above shows an approximate dimension with reference to street numbers. I have no idea how large the 1926 city was in actual area.
A few years before on or about 1911 the city was one township in size not including Ogden. 36 square miles with the dimensions 48 Avenue N to 50 Avenue S and 24 Street E to 37 Street W. Later a half square mile size Manchester is included.

Calgary Alberta Canada, 1926.