Welcome to Joshua's Homepage


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Welcome to my personal web site!

Hello! My name is Joshua Chai, a medical student in the University of Cambridge, UK. I have been writing web pages for nearly 8 years. Initially I was "hard-coding" HTML (using only Notepad!!) for my school in Hong Kong; then as time went by I helped many of my friends to set up web pages of their own. 

Nonetheless, I have never attempted to make one for MYSELF ironically:-) Sometimes I just cannot be bothered writing stuff for myself. Now that I have left my homeland for more than 6 years, I think the only way I could maintain an economical and convenient long-distance relationships with my family and friends in Hong Kong is probably through the cyberspace. And hence the creation of this web site:-)

I wish all of you can enjoy your stay here and please don't forget to drop me emails from time to time!

Cheers, Joshua       


This page was first created on 6th October 2001, and last updated on 26th July 2003.

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MIDI music file re-written and re-arranged by Joshua Chai

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