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2009 Conferences 
Event Location Date Important Dates
IDEAS 2009 XII Iberoamerican Conference on Requirements Engineering & Software Environments Medellin (Colombia) April 13-17, 2009 * Paper submission: November 1, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2008
* Final paper due: January 15, 2009
ICEIS 2009 - 11st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Milan (Italy) May 6-10, 2009 * Full paper submission deadline: November 28, 2008
* Notification of acceptance: TBD
* Camera-ready copy of the papers due: TBD
ICSE 2009 - 31st International Conference on Software Engineering Vancouver (Canada) May 16-24, 2009 * Dates Request for Mentor: NOW until June 30, 2008
* Research Abstracts: August 29, 2008
* Research Papers September 5, 2008
* Software Engineering in Practice: October 10, 2008
* SCORE: NOW until November 2008
* Workshop and Tutorial proposals: September 15, 2008
* Research Demonstrations: November 24, 2008
* Emerging Results Track: December 5, 2008
* Doctoral Symposium: December 12, 2008
ICSE 2009 - 7th Workshop on Software Quality Vancouver (Canada) May 16, 2009 * Paper submission: January 19, 2009
* Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 16, 2009
* Camera-ready copy of the papers: February 22, 2009
WIKIS4SE 2009 - 4th Workshop on Wikis for Software Engineering Vancouver (Canada) May 16, 2009 * Abstract submission: January 26, 2009
* Paper submission: Februaru 2, 2009
* Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 9, 2009
* Camera-ready copy of the papers: February 16, 2009
CHASE 2009 - Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering Vancouver (Canada) May 17, 2009 * Full paper submission deadline: January 21, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: February 12, 2009
* Camera-ready copy of the papers due: February 19, 2009
DQ4SE 2009 - 1st Workshop on Data Quality for Software Engineering Vancouver (Canada) May 17, 2009 * Full paper submission deadline: March 30, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2009
* Camera-ready copies due: June 19, 2009
C3S2E-09 - 2nd Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering Montréal (Québec, Canada) May 19-21, 2009 * Papers submission deadline: January 31, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: February 21, 2009
* Camera-ready copy due: April 11, 2009
ETSM 2009 - 1st International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics Cagliari (Italy) May 26, 2009 * Paper submissions: March 8, 2009
* Acceptance notification: April 1, 2009
* Final paper submission: May 1, 2009
* Final paper submission: May 1, 2009
XP 2009 - 10th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering Cagliari (Italy) May 26-30, 2009 * Research Paper submissions: January 22, 2009
* All other submissions: February 12, 2009
* Acceptance notification for full papers: February 23, 2009
* Acceptance notification for all other submissions: March 1, 2009
* Camera-ready material: March 16, 2009
SMEF 2009 - 6th Software Measurement European Forum Rome (Italy) May 28-29, 2009 * Abstract submission: January 15, 2009
* Notification of Abstract Acceptance: January 30, 2009
* Full paper submission: March 15, 2009
* Notification of Paper Acceptance: March 30, 2009
* Final paper submission: April 19, 2009
SBQS'2009 - 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality Ouro Preto, MG (Brazil) June 1-5, 2009 * Technical Paper submission: December 10, 2008
* Experience Paper submission: December 17, 2008
* Author notification: March 17, 2009
* Camera ready copy: April 6, 2009
SPICE 2009- 9th International SPICE Conference on Process Assessment and Improvement Turku (Finland) June 2-4, 2009 * Full paper and extended abstracts submission: January 9, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: February 16, 2009
* Final copy of paper due: March 13, 2009
SBQS 2009- 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality Minas Gerais (Brazil) June 3, 2009 * Full paper submission: April 15, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2009
* Final copy of paper due: May 10, 2009
WDRA 2009- 3rd Workshop on Rapid Application Development Minas Gerais (Brazil) June 3, 2009 * Full paper submission: April 15, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2009
* Final copy of paper due: May 10, 2009
OSS 2009- Workshop on Serious Games and Open Source Skovde (Sweden) June 6, 2009 * Full paper submission: March 22, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 8, 2009
REFSQ'09 15th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality Amsterdam (Netherlands) June 8-9, 2009 * Abstract submission: December 1, 2008
* Paper submission: December 8, 2008
ECIS 2009 - 17th European Conference on Information Systems Verona (Italy) June 8-10, 2009 * Paper submission due: TBD
* Acceptance/rejection decision: TBD
* Camera ready paper submission: TBD
CAiSE'09 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Amsterdam (Netherlands) June 8-12, 2009 * Tutorial & workshops submission: October 12, 2008
* Paper submission: November 30, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: February 8, 2009
SEPG 2009 Europe - 21st Software Engineering Process Group Conference Prague (Czech Republich) June 9-12, 2009
CISE'09 2nd Int. Conference on Creativity & Innovation in Software Engineering Ravda (Bulgaria) June 10-12, 2009 * Paper submission: April 15, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2009
* Final papers: June 1, 2009
ICGSE 2009- 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering Limerick (Ireland) June 13-16, 2009 * Paper abstracts: January 16, 2009
* Paper submissions: January 30, 2009
* Workshop submissions: January 30, 2009
* Other contributions: February 13, 2009
* Notification of authors: March 20, 2009
* Camera-ready papers due: April 24, 2009
PROFES 2009- 10thInternational Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement conference Oulu (Finland) June 15-17, 2009 * Papers, Workshop & Tutorial submission deadline: January 15, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2009
* Camera-ready copy due: March 26, 2009
LSO 2009- 11thInternational Workshop on Learning Software Organizations Oulu (Finland) June 15-17, 2009 * Paper submissions: April 15, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2009
* Camera-ready copy due: May 30, 2009
PPIG 2009 Workshop on Psycological Aspects in Software Engineering Limerick (Ireland) June 24-26, 2009 * Paper submission: March 9, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: April 27, 2009
* Camera ready paper submission: May 18, 2009
QAW 2009 1st Workshop on Quality Assessment in Web San Sebastian (Spain) June 24-26, 2009 * Paper submission: April 30, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2009
* Camera ready paper submission: June 1, 2009
SEKE 2009 - 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Boston (USA) July 1-3, 2008 * Paper submission due: March 1, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2009
* Camera-ready copy: May 1, 2009
ICGSE Risk Management 2009 - Workshop on Empirical Experiences, Metrics and Tools for Project Management in Globally Distributed Software Development Projects Limerick (Ireland) July 13, 2009 * Submission of papers: April 15, 2009
* Notification/Rejection of papers: May 1, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: May 5, 2009
SETP-09 - International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice Orlando, FL (USA) July 13-16, 2009 * Submission of papers: February 2, 2009
* Notification/Rejection of papers: March 2, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: April 6, 2009
SERP'09 - International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice Las Vegas, NE (USA) July 13-16, 2009 * Submission of papers: February 25, 2009
* Notification/Rejection of papers: March 25, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: April 25, 2009
WER'09 - 12th Workshop on Requirement Engineering Valparaiso (Chile) July 16-17, 2009 * Papers submission: April 1, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: May 5, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: May 25, 2009
BPMN 2009 - 1st International Workshop on BPMN ??? (???) July 20, 2009 * Papers submission: April 1, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: May 10, 2009
COMPSAC 2009- 33rd Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference Seattle (USA) July 20-24, 2009 * Workshop proposals due: November 15, 2008
* Main conference abstracts due: January 12, 2009
* Main conference full manuscripts due; Panel proposals due: January 30, 2009
* Decision notification (electronic):March 30, 2009
* Camera-ready copy and pre-registration due: April 30, 2009
QUORS'09- 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Quality Oriented Reuse of Software Seattle (USA) July 20-24, 2009 * Submission of papers: March 1, 2009
* Notification/Rejection of papers: April 5, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: April 30, 2009
ICSOFT 2009- 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies Sofia (Bulgaria) July 26-29, 2009 * Submission of papers: April 2, 2009
* Notification/Rejection of papers: ???, 2009
* Camera-ready version due: ???, 2009
QA'09- Workshop on Quantitative Analysis of Software Grenoble (France) July 28, 2009 * Submission deadline: April 5, 2009
* Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 11, 2009
* Final version due: May 25, 2009
I-USED 2009- 2nd International Workshop on the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development Uppsala (Sweden) August 24, 2009 * Paper Submission: April 25, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2009
* Camera-Ready Submission: July 15, 2009
ACM SIGSOFT 2009 / FSE 17- 17th International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) Amsterdam (Netherlands) August 24-28, 2009 * Paper submission: March 16, 2009
* Workshop proposal submission: March 20, 2009
* Doctoral Symposium abstract submission: May 4, 2009
* Demo/Poster submission: June 5, 2009
QSIC 2009 / FSE 17- 9th International Conference on Quality Software Jeju (Korea) August 24-25, 2009 * Workshop proposal submission: February 6, 2009
* Papers submission: April 13, 2009
* Notification to Authors: May 22, 2009
* Camera-ready paper due: June 19, 2009
QUASOSS'09- 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Service-Oriented Software Systems Amsterdam (Netherlands) August 25, 2009 * Abstract Submission: May 9, 2009
* Paper Submission: May 15, 2009
* Notification: June 12, 2009
* Camera-Ready Submission: June 26, 2009
Euromicro - SEAA 2009 - 35th Software Engineering & Advanced Application Conference Patras (Greece) August 27-29, 2008 * Submission of papers: March 27, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2009
* Camera-ready paper due: May 26, 2009
Euromicro - SEAA 2009 / SM - 3rd Special Session on Software Management Patras (Greece) August 27-29, 2008 * Submission of papers: March 27, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2009
* Camera-ready paper due: May 26, 2009
RE'09 - 16th International Conference on Requirement Engineering Atlanta (USA) August 31-September 4, 2009 * Abstracts due: February 2, 2009
* Paper submission due: February 12, 2009
* Tutorial, workshop and panel submissions due: March 9, 2009
* Acceptance/rejection decision: April 22, 2009
* Doctoral symposium, poster and other submissions: May 11, 2009
IWSPM 2009 - 3rd Int. Workshop on Software Product Management Atlanta, GA (USA) September 1, 2009 * Papers due: June 26, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2009
* Camera-ready papers due: July 31, 2009
* Preliminary program: August 3, 2009
EuroSPI 2009 - 16th European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference Alcalà de Henares (Spain) September 2-4, 2009 * Tutorial abstract submission: February 22, 2009
* Paper submission due: March 14, 2009
* Acceptance/rejection decision: April 11, 2009
* Camera ready paper submission: May 30, 2009
* Final version of accepted tutorials: June 27, 2009
BMPS2 - 2nd International Workshop on Business Process Management & Software Software Ulm (Germany) September 7, 2009 * Paper submission: May 7, 2009
* Author notification: June 2, 2009
* Camera-ready: June 17, 2009
SOMET-09 - 8th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools & Techniques Prague (Czech Republic) September 9-11, 2009 * Paper submission due: March 31, 2009
* Acceptance/rejection decision: TBD, 2009
* Camera ready paper submission: TBD, 2009
ISMA 2008- 4th Annual ISMA Conference and Fall Workshops Chicago, IL (USA) September 13-16, 2009 * Abstract submission: TBD
GIIS 2009- 6th Meeting del Gruppo di Interesse di Ingegneria del Software Salerno (Italy) September 14-15, 2009 * Paper submission deadline: March 31, 2009
* Author notification: April 30, 2009
* Camera-Ready due: May 31, 2009
ISSSE'09- 6th International Summer School on Software Engineering Salerno (Italy) September 14-18, 2009 * Paper submission deadline: March 31, 2009
SEPG 2009 Asia-Pacific - 21st Software Engineering Process Group Conference Prague (Czech Republich) September 16-18, 2009
SBES 2009- 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering Fortaleza (Brazil) October 5-9, 2009 * Paper submission deadline: May 8, 2009
* Author notification: July 1, 2009
IC3K 2009- Int. Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Madeira (Portugal) October 6-8, 2009 * Regular Paper Submission: April 21, 2009
* Authors Notification: June 16, 2009
* Final Paper Submission and Registration: June 30, 2009
INFORMATION SOCIETY 2009- Collaboration, software and services in information society Ljubljana (Slovenia) October 12-16, 2009 * Paper Submission: July 30, 2009
* Authors Notification: August 31, 2009
* Final Paper Submission: September 15, 2009
UKSMA 2009 - 20th UKSMA Annual Conference London (UK) October 14, 2009 * Paper submission deadline: March 13, 2009
* Author notification: April 17, 2009
ESEM 2009- 3rd International Symposium on Software Engineering & Measurement Lake Buena Vista, FL (USA) October 15-16, 2009 * Full Papers Deadline: March 15, 2009
* Full Papers Acceptance: April 30, 2009
* Short Papers Deadline: July 1, 2009
* Posters Deadline: July 1, 2009
* Short Papers and Posters Acceptance: June 1, 2009
* Full and Short Papers Camera-ready: June 30, 2009
CASCON 2009 - 19th IBM Annual Center for Advanced Studies CONference - Theme: Computing for a Smart Planet Toronto, Ontario (Canada) November 2-5, 2009 * Abstracts due: May 11, 2009
* Full technical papers due: June 1, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: July 27, 2009
* Camera-ready papers due: August 19, 2009
IWSM-MENSURA 2009- 19th Int.Workshop on Software Measurement & 4th Int.Conference on Software Process Improvement Amsterdam (Netherlands) November 4-6, 2009 Full Papers:
* Paper submission: May 31, 2009
* Author notification: July 15, 2009
* Final Paper: September 1, 2009

Short Paper:
* Abstract submission: June 30, 2009
* Author notification: July 15, 2009
* Final Paper: September 15, 2009

Workshop Proposal:
* Abstract submission: June 30, 2009
* Author notification: July 15, 2009

ICISSE '09 - 1st International Conference on Information Systems and Software Engineering Toronto, Ontario (China) December 28-30, 2009 * Last Date for Receiving Papers : June 15, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance : August 15, 2009
* Registration & Camera Ready Paper : September 15, 2009

2010 Conferences 
Event Location Date Important Dates
HICSS-43 Organizational Systems and Technology Minitrack Waikoloa, Big Island (Hawaii) January 5-8, 2010 * Paper submission: June 15, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2009
* Final paper due: October 15, 2009
WOSP-SIPEV 2010 - 1st Joint Conference on Performance Engineering San Francisco, CA (USA) January 28-30, 2010 * Paper & Tutorial Proposals Submission: July 7, 2009
* Author Notification: September 3, 2009
* Final Manuscript: October 5, 2009
* Advanced Registration: December 31, 2009
SERA 2010 - 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research Montréal, QB (Canada) May 31 - June 2, 2010 * Paper submission due: October 15, 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: December 1, 2009
* Camera ready paper: February 1, 2010

2011 Conferences 
Event Location Date Important Dates
5WCSQ - 5th World Congress on Software Quality Shangai (China) September 2011 * Paper submission due: TBD
* Acceptance/rejection decision: TBD
* Camera ready paper submission: TBD


2009 Past Conferences 
Event Location Date Important Dates
HICSS-42 Business Process Model (BPM) Minitrack Waikoloa, Big Island (Hawaii) January 5-8, 2009 * Paper submission: June 15, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2008
* Final paper due: September 15, 2008
* Author(s) registration: October 2, 2008
CUSEC 2009 - Canadian Undergraduate Software Engineering Conference Montréal, QB (Canada) January 22-24, 2009
CSEET 2009 22nd IEEE-CS Conference Software Engineering Education and Training Hyberabad (India) February 17-19, 2009 * Paper submission (papers & experience reports): September 15, 2008
* Paper submission (workshops, panel & tutorial): September 30, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance (papers & experience reports): October 30, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance (workshops, panel & tutorial): November 15, 2008
* Final paper due: November 22, 2008
ISEC 2009 2nd India Software Engineering Conference Pune(India) February 23-26, 2009 * Abstracts submission: September 4, 2008
* Paper submission: September 11, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: October 23, 2008
* Final paper due: December 4, 2008
LATE'09 5th International Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution Charlottesville, VI (USA) March 2-6, 2009 * Position Papers submission: December 15, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: January 15, 2009
SACSE'09 Software Engineering Track @ SAC2009 Honolulu (Hawaii, USA) March 8-12, 2009 * Paper submission: August 16, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: October 11, 2008
* Final paper due: October 25, 2008
SACSE'09 Organizational Engineering Track @ SAC2009 Honolulu (Hawaii, USA) March 8-12, 2009 * Paper submission: August 16, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: October 11, 2008
* Final paper due: October 25, 2008
QUALITA 2009 8th International Congress on Quality and Reliability Besançon (France) March 18-20, 2009 * Abstract submission: August 31, 2008
* Paper submission: September 15, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: October 27, 2008
* Final paper due: November 30, 2008
FASE 2009- Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering York (UK) March 22-29, 2009 * Abstracts Submission: October 2, 2008
* Full papers Submission: October 9, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: December 12, 2008
* Camera-ready version submission: January 5, 2009
BPSC 2009- 2nd International Conference on Business Process and Services Computing Leipzig (Germany) March 23-24, 2009 * Workshop proposals: September 22, 2008
* Full paper submissions: October 27, 2008
* Poster and demo submissions: November 17, 2008
* Acceptance notifications: December 15, 2008
* Final papers and registrations: January 7, 2009
SEPG 2009 North-America - 21st Software Engineering Process Group Conference San José, CA (USA) March 23-26, 2009
CSMR 2009 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering Kaiserslautern (Germany) March 24-27, 2009 * Abstract submission: October 17, 2008
* Paper submission: October 24, 2008
* Notification of Acceptance: December 5, 2008
* Final paper due: January 9, 2008
FSEN'09 3rd International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering Kish Island (Iran) April 15-17, 2009 * Abstract Submission: October 20 , 2008
* Paper Submission: October 27 , 2008
* Notification: December 15, 2008
* Camera Ready: January 12 , 2009
EASE 2009 - 13th International Conference on Empirical Assessment in Software Engineering Durham (UK) April 20-21, 2009 * Full paper submission deadline: TBD
* Notification of acceptance: TBD
* Camera-ready copy of the papers due: TBD

Proceedings/Slides Available on-line

IFIP WG8.2&WG8.6 - Helsinki, December 1998 IRIS 20, August 9-12, 1997 - Oslo (Norway)
European Software Day 1999, Milan (Italy), September 10, 1999 Metrics99, Boca Raton, FL (USA), November 4-6, 1999
ESCOM 99 STC Conference Proceedings - Slides (1994-2002)
ICSE99 - International Workshop on Computer-Based Software Engineering PROFES'99 Proceedings - June 22-24, 1999 - Oulu (Finland)
IWSM99, Mont St.Tremblant, Québec (Canada) - September 1999 ESCOM-SCOPE 2000, 18-20th April, Munich (Germany)
PROFES 2000 (Keynote Speeches), June 20-22, 2000, Oulu (Finland) FEAST2000 (Preprints), July 10 - 12, 2000, London (UK)
IRIS 23, August 12-15, Lingatan (Sweden) CONQUEST 2000, September 13-15 2000, Nuremberg (Germany)
IWSM2000, October 4-6 2000, Berlin (Germany) FESMA/AEMES 2000, Madrid (Spain), October 18-20, 2000
2001 SEPG in Asia , February 22-23 2001, New Delhi (India) ESCOM 2001, April 2-6 2001, London (UK)
EDSER-3 2001, May 14-15, 2001 - Toronto (Canada) IRIS 24, August 11-14, 2001 - Ulvik in Hardanger (Norway)
NASA SEW (Software Engineering Workshops) -- Years from 1996 NDIA Conferences (about CMMI: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)
QAOOSE Workshops (programs & papers), from 1998 CASCON 2001 (IBM-NRC)
ESRM EW IWSQE'02, September 19, 2002 - Denia (Spain)
QAOOSE2002, June 11, 2002 - Malaga (Spain) CSEET'03 KeyNotes Slides, March 22-24, 2003 - Madrid (Spain)
PSM Users Conferences Presentations (from 1997) ICSE 2003 Workshop on "Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction"
ISCN Resources CUSEC Conferences Archives
IWSQE'03, May 9, 2003 - Denia (Spain) ALOIS 2003, March 1-3, 2003 - Linkopping (Sweden)
1st Toronto-Based Process & Methodology Seminar , September 30, 2003 - Toronto (Canada) (SE)22003presentations, April 1-2, 2003 - Huntsville, (USA)
SEPG India 2003, July 28-August 2, 2003 - Toronto (Canada) SEI SEPG Conferences (2003, 2004)
PSM TWG 2003, March 2003 - Herndon, VA (USA) LA-Web 2003, 1st Latin American Web Congress, November 10-12, 2003 - Santiago (Chile)
17th Int. Forum on COCOMO and SwCost Modeling, Los Angeles, CA (USA), October 22-25, 2002 18th Int. Forum on COCOMO and SwCost Modeling, Los Angeles, CA (USA), October 21-24, 2003
CUSEC 2004 Selected presentations, January 15-17, 2004 SPI Newspaper from ESPI
SE2 2004 Proceedings, March 29-31, 2004 METRICS 2004 Late Breaking Papers
SMEF Conferences (2004,2005, 2006, 2007) SEPG 2005 Presentation, March 2005
IWSM 2005 Papers & Presentations, September 12-14, 2005 METRICS 2005 Workshop on Methods for Learning Metrics, September 19, 2005
ESMA 2005 Papers & Presentations, September 27, 2005 PNSQ Conferences (1997-)
CUSEC 2005 Selected presentations, January 2005 CUSEC 2006 Selected presentations, January 2006
SMEF2006 Proceedings, May 10-12, 2006 SEPG 2006 Presentations, March 2006
SMEF2007 Proceedings, May 9-11, 2007 MSM 2007 Proceedings, September 2007
AWSEC 2007 Proceedings, April 10-13, 2007 ESEC/FSE 2007 Keynotes Presentations, September 2007

Cross References to this page

GELOG (Software Engineering Research Management Lab @ ETS)
DACS Measurement: Measurement Education, Training, Courses and Conferences
DACS: Software Quality: Software Quality Education, Training and Conferences
ISBSG Events page
Makoto Nonaka: CFP page
Jenny Liu: Bookmarks page
Rabih Bashroush: main links
B. Sudhir Kumar Reddy's links
Jingyue Li Conference page
Prasanna Kumar's Blog
Engineering.IT SPIMQ webpages

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Last update: April 23, 2009 
Previous update: March 30, 2009  1