This is something I've been meaning to do for a long time, and now I've had a chance. Usually when opportunity knocks, I take it.
In 23 Cammington Zone you will find my fantasy. My dreams and desires. I have contemplated that there will be many who are offended by such "bizarre" concussions, but that opinion is society provoked. Freedom of expression is suppressed by the ones who fear an outcome. Expression is earned. Suppresion is only a novelty. Just like fashion.
I have created a comic character based on certain of my own physical features, to experience, express, and do what I imagine myself doing in my fantasies. As this is the "New Age" of interactivity, she will also act out (be drawn) what your wildest, most secretive, most obscene dreams are, and will post it to you personally via E-mail, autographed. It is up to you to decide, if the ideas that you've given to her sinful mind, should be posted on this site (Your identity will remain anonymous) . Beware, she will do ANYTHING, no matter how impossible. I know, she is a Cyber-version of my own inner demons *grin*.
For the ones in doubt, I must give early warning. This site will contain graphically created fantasy of mine and others, which depict acts of sexual nature between a human female form and whatever she may grasp as a means for sexual pleasure. This categorizes, and naming only a few, Fist fetish, Alien Sex, Demonic Sex, Xenophilia, Tools, Sports Equipment, Vegetables and Extreme Vaginal / Anal penetrations sometimes resulting pain.
If you are starting to feel disgusted already, then I urge you strongly to leave Cammington Zone RIGHT NOW !