Lighting/ Stage/ Special FX

First United Methodist Church Lighting

The 22nd Annual Madrigal Dinner and Yuletide Festival 2003

FUMC Christmas 2003

Good Tidings we Bring to You and Your Kin....
I would like to invite you all to the 22st Annual Madrigal Dinner and Yuletide Festival at the First United Methodist Church in Frankfort, Ky December 2003. The Dinner—Course after course of the season’s most delicious fare, from wassail to dessert, as musicians entertain with songs of the season. The Festival—instrumental music sets the stage for two “acts”—(Act 1) Merrye Olde England- Lavishly costumed lords and ladies lead the boar’s head procession. Singers of all ages present music from the 16th through 20th centuries-along with some seasonal nonsense, too! (Act 2) The Christmas Story- Humble shepherds and majestic kings join instrumentalists and the Yuletide Choir to worship the Christ Child in drama and song. The evening concludes with the popular and meaningful Candlelight Circle and Choral Amen.
You can Attend Both Dinner and Festival—Tickets are on sale now for the 23rd Annual Madrigal Dinner and Yuletide Festival, but you need to get them now if you want to dine in The Todd House Historic Home. (Better than the great hall in my opinion) Or you may opt for the Dessert Buffet and Festival (Sunday Night Only!)
Please contact the church office at 502-227-7430 for more information.

**The background music is one selection of our recently released CD, The Nativity Celebrated, by our Chancel Choir, Madrigal Singers, Brass, Harp and Organ. This is an outstanding professionally produced recording by our music ministry and is available through the church office.
**The Madrigal photos on this page are low resolution for the Internet. Very high-resolution photos are available upon request to church members and friends.

Following the Madrigal dinner, the Prelude music begins.

Prelude music with brass quartet and organ.

Prelude music with Molly Rogers on violin.

Madrigal Festival begins with the Madrigal Singers.

Madrigal Festival Singers in lavish costumes.

Madrigal Festival with the Wesley Choir Singers.

Wesley Choir Singers.

Madrigal Festival - Lords and Ladies lead the boar's head procession.

Madrigal singers and the Chancel Choir.

After a short youth skit, The Nativity Festival begins with the Chancel Choir.

Nativity Festival with the Chancel Choir sets the mood for the Nativity to enter.

Nativity Festival - After a scripture reading of the Christmas story, The Star enters, followed by The Nativity and shepherds. The Three Kings enter with gifts.

The Nativity exits. The lights fade out. The Choir lights candels and concludes with the Madrigal with a candlelight circle and Choral Amen.

Overall veiw from the balcony.


For nearly two decades the church has presented this production featuring lavish Elizabethan period costumes, extravagant ornaments and decorations, madrigal singing, and a superb festival dinner. This production grows exponentially each year in which we serve 185 at each dinner and seat around 400 at every presentation.


During the growth of this production, the sound and lighting systems in the sanctuary were pushed to the limit. Most of the lights and accessories had to be rented and, with only two lighting trees, as shown in the photo on the right, the design possibilities were sparse. In this type of production, the use of color media (gels) is extremely important in illuminating the costumes and complementing various moods of the wonderful music.
The balcony addition gave the church an ideal time to correct all of the sound, lighting, and seating problems. The church can now accommodate approximately one hundred more persons in the sanctuary, and with the improved sound and lighting addition, the festival is brighter than ever.

Veiw from the chior loft

The 22nd Annual Madrigal Dinner and Yuletide Festival 2003

Lighting Designer: Patrick Compton

Lighting Technician: Bill Newman

Musical Director: Roy Nance

Production Director: Tonya Merritt

Production Assistant: Karen Nance

(Many others not listed)




4 ELATION VISION 575 Luminaires

8 ALTMAN 6" Fresnels


2 ALTMAN 6x9s

6 PAR 64 Luminaires

4 PAR 56 Luminaires

1 ALTMAN 1500Watt Followspot

1 NSI 7532 32 Channel Desk

1 SUNLIGHT/ELATION Software running on 800Mhz laptop computer

GAMCOLOR and ROSCO color media


Examples of the luminaire placement and effects...
Lighting the Madrigal with intelligent luminaries is difficult because we cannot use fog/haze atmospheric effects with the pipe organ. On the other hand we have massive white walls, columns, and ceilings to use as a grand backdrop. The intels are used to wash saturated colors and layers of glass gobo textures all over the view of the audience. This gives adds visual impact to this moving musical performance.
COLOR WASH 250 Luminaires on the balcony
COLOR WASH 250 Luminaires placed on the floor
VISION SCAN 575 Luminaires on the balcony

Come and visit our website:

First United Methodist Church of Frankfort Kentucky U.S.A.


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