Aims of the Institute



The International Institute of Rail Electrification Engineers has been formed


The IIREE Journal is issued free to members of the Institute. It is available to non-members at 2.00 Pounds Sterling, plus postage, and to organisations and libraries at 3.50 Pounds Sterling, plus postage for each single copy.

We aim to publish the Journal 3 times per year, but only provided enough suitable high quality Papers are available (which has never yet been the case).  Only when we have enough suitable high quality contributions to fill a Journal, will we publish one.  We will not use poor quality Papers and other contributions just to make up a Journal issue, when there are not enough high quality Papers, etc. available to do so.  We are currently still in Volume 1 of the Journal, which will eventually consist of the first 20 issues, or about 300 pages.

High quality contributions to the Journal are URGENTLY required, and should be submitted to the Editor.

The Editor's address, (as at September 2001) is:

83, Garden Way,
Isle of Wight,
PO30 2BW

We always welcome Papers of a high technical standard intended for publication in the IIREE Journal and cordially invite them from authors both within and outside the IIREE.

These Papers, which would normally be several pages long, should be connected with some aspect of electric railways, (including tramways and monorails,) or a related electric transport system (the Trolley Bus, for instance).

They would normally describe some significant advance or innovation in the engineering technology, but review articles giving a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the whole or a chosen part of the field, or historical articles describing past accomplishments (and failures!) in railroad electrification would also be appreciated.

All Papers submitted are evaluated for quality, originality and relevance.

Papers should normally be submitted to, and will be published in the Journal, in English, but the use of French is welcomed, providing a short summary in English accompanies the contribution.

Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors of the individual Papers, and not upon the IIREE its staff or its members.

Prospective authors should, in the first place, please write to the Journal Editor at our Newport, Isle of Wight address, describing the scope of the proposed Paper or Papers.


Journal Advertisements

Monochrome (Black and White) advertisements are welcomed for a special advertisement section in the rear pages of the Journal. Details of advertisement sizes and advertising rates are available upon written request, from Mr. D. Ford, Advertising Executive, at our Newport, Isle of Wight address.

Our advertising rates are extremely competitive. Please refer to the Advertising pages of the Journal for an example.



Due to resignation of our webmaster, this information is currently not available.


Last updated 15th September 2001