webtools.jpg (16886 bytes)+ WEB DESIGN

Please contact me if you have Web design requirements which include the construction and/or maintenance of simple, fast Web pages. Below is a selection of Web pages I have designed:

wpe8.jpg (81575 bytes)


wpe9.jpg (52524 bytes)

Nikon F-50

f50.jpg (7660 bytes)





tekgallery_1542_25300154.gif (2788 bytes)

1978.gif (3744 bytes)

Nikon 35-80mm f4.0 - 5.6
Tamron 80-210mm f4.5 - 5.6

1700_Big.gif (2144 bytes)

Compaq Armada 1700





canon_bjc_80.jpg (11032 bytes)

Canon BJC-80
IS-21 scanner/printer



Microsoft Front Page

FrontPgBox.gif (3804 bytes)




0580_0898_box_draw8_windows.jpg (3091 bytes)      



CorelDraw 8



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