Sugarcane variety : U-Thong 2 (81-1-026)

U-Thong 2 (81-1-026) was obtained from the open-cross of IAC 52-326 in 1981. It has the following attributes:

Average sugar yield = 14.4 tonnes/ha
Average cane yield = 101.5 tonnes/ha
Average CCS = 14.2

U-Thong 2 has a remarkably high sugar level occurring in the early milling period and continuing at a similar level up to the end of the milling period which is about 4 months. Its yield do not showed any reduction when the time progress. Thus, it has some potential to replace the previous variety, U-Thong 1, espectially for the early harvesting.
It is resistant to smut and moderately resistant to red rot wilt.
It is recommended to be grown early in the irrigated areas.

Sorghum variety : Suphan Buri 1

Supha Buri (SP1), a pureline variety of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], is derived from the cross M91019 x West African Early. The female parent was obtained from ICRISAT Asia Center and the male parent from the Intitut de Recherches Agronomiques Tropicales Etdes Cultures Vivrieres (IRAT).
SP1 is about two meters tall, with sweet juicy stems and red grains. The hydrocyanic acid content of the whole plants at 45 days after emergence is found to be 7.3 mg per 100 g of fresh sample. This figure is less than the critical value of 25 mg per 100 g of fresh sample. The mean grain yield is 2.9 t/ha with a stover (fresh stems after grain harvested) yield of 13 t/ha. SP1, thus is recommended as a dual-purpose sorghum.
Where soil moisture is adequate, SP1 can be cut 3 times per year for forage. The first cut is recommended at 60 days after sowing, the second and the third cuts can be followed at 45 day intervals.


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