web page is about a project I have been working on for my son Xavier. Every
time I go to FRYs Electronics
or Radio Shack he is amazed at all
the cool stuff. Then their was a topic on the PICList about small land-mobile
robots. It sparked some interest so I started looking into it further, as soon
as I did I realized that I was very interested in building a tank like robot.
I found a track kit that seemed quite hackable and inexpensive. I used 2 tracked platforms, one was for the
whole assembly, while the other was just for parts. The controller and power supply is inside of the black dome. There were many different ways I could have gone about driving/controling the motors. National Semiconductor makes a motor driver ( LM18293 ) that would have worked great!! Also, ROHM makes the BA6209/BA6219 that would have worked as well. Another IC I was looking at was the L298 from ST Microelectronics. The L298 is available from Mouser for around US $3.50 and contains just about everything you need for an H-BRIDGE circuit.
I used a TRACKED VEHICLE CHASSIS KIT (LXGZ87) from Tower Hobbies.
Alas poor X-BOT, I knew him well!! He has been retired as he has been pronounced dead, killed by a murderous cement floor and table. He did not jump I say, he was pushed, pushed I tell you!!
X-BOT 2000 Technical
Processor: PIC16F873-04/P (MICROCHIP)
Clock Speed: 4MHz (ECS)
Optic Sensors: HOA1180-002 (HONEYWELL)
Motor Drivers: 2 DUAL
Total Weight: XXXXXX
Tracked Platform: (2) 70108*1200 (TAMIYA)