The lowest order mode-mode coupling in weak plasma turbulence consists of
three processes: the three wave resonance, resonant scattering and
nonlinear plasma maser. The plasma maser interaction is a new
nonlinear process in turbulent plasma. The process leads to
up-conversion of wave energy from low frequency turbulent fields to
high frequency waves through nonlinear interaction of waves and
particles. Thus the process has potential importance to interpret
numerous radiation phenomena in space and laboratory plasmas.
plasma maser effect occurs when nonresonant as well as resonant
plasma oscillations are present. The resonant oscillations are those
for which the Cherenkov resonance condition is satisfied, while the
nonresonant oscillations are those for which the neither the
Cherenkov resonance condition nor the nonlinear Landau resonance
conditions are satisfied.
Results of numerical simulation of E.M. wave interaction with Langmuir turbulence. [a] Growth rates vs. beam density, [b] Time history of electric field energy for different magnetic field strengths.
At Centre of Plasma Physics, we carry out both analytical and numerical research on various topics of plasma maser interaction.
Centre of Plasma Physics Tepesia
SONAPUR 782 402 Kamrup, Assam, India