Well met. I am Devin M. Ash, and this is my Lab.

Please take a look around. New things are always being added.
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My interests are:
Computer Science, "Pseudo" Science, Books, Gaming.

The description of my page is:
Computer Science
Programming (lisp, Java, C++, Perl)
Pseudo Science

Here's my current research:

These files are still in original format, meaning they are text, document and zip files and may need to be downloaded for viewing depending on your browsers capabilities. Except where marked with ¤.
They will soon be changed to HTML format for online viewing. If anyone would like to contrbute to the effort, or has an experiment they would like me to add, please e-mail me.

Coming Soon: I know you don't want to miss any of that =)

Email me at dmash@geocities.com with any suggestions, corrections or experiments.
Please come back soon, I'm still hard at work in my lab.
Last report/update: 3/28/98.

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