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Open Source Libraries and APIs

This list is for major Open Source libraries and interfaces. There are quite a few of these, and many of them (Qt and GTK+ most famously) are dueling standards with significant partisans on both sides of the debate.

A thought or two on the dueling standards problem: the issue here is supply vs. demand. Everyone writes their own text editor because it's a good programming exercise, but the appearance of dueling standards is more of an ego issue ("I can write a better API than you can"). If you have a favorite toy library, I don't mind hearing about it but realize that you probably have more to gain by helping to extend an existing system than by going it alone. Go take a look at the history of GNU Emacs vs. XEmacs or OpenBSD vs. The World if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I have to be rather selective about what I include. Please don't take it personally if you give me a suggestion and I reject it; remember, this is the "Where can I find Big Name Tarball X".

This page was last updated 11 June 2001
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