Shimadzu UV-1601 vs UV-160 Spectrophotometer

....the old UV-160 was much better than the newer UV-1601

We receive many requests from prospective buyers soliciting our advice about Shimadzu instrumentation. As a result, we often steer customers to other reputable vendors who offer analytical instruments which are superior in terms of performance, reliability, price, tech support, after-sales follow-up and service. However, we receive more requests for information about Shimadzu spectrophotometers than anything else as evidenced from the following email dated 5 November 1998:

From: identity withheld
Subject: UV-Vis spectrophotometer

"I read with interest your homepage. I am looking to purchase a new UV-Vis spectrophotometer. We have a ceiling price of 10K. What is the best instrument in your opinion and what types of things should we be looking for. My experience is primarily with the old Spec2000 and I want to get a more modern computer controlled instrument. I would welcome any advice you might offer."

In a sincere effort to assist those lab decision-makers who might be considering the purchase of a Shimadzu UV-1601 spectrophotometer, here are some things to consider:

#1 - The UV-160 had more built-in functionality; if you want the same level of functionality from the UV-1601.... then you'll have to fork over additional monies to buy needed program packs at ~$300 a piece!
(One "must have" program is multi-wavelength which allows the user to do ratio measuements like 260/280 for DNA/protein quantitation.)

#2 - The UV-160 had an internal built-in printer; if you want an external printer for the UV-1601.... then it's an expensive add-on option!

#3 - The UV-160 sported a sealed optical bench; if you inadvertantly spill something inside the sample compartment of the UV-1601.... then you've got some real problems!

#4 - The UV-160 came with a standard 2 year warranty; the UV-1601 features a 1 year warranty but you can buy an expensive service protection plan from Shimadzu.... DON'T!

#5 - The UV-160 was a heavy instrument; the newer BioSpec UV-1601 is full of cheap molded plastic with one of those "hard to read" junky LCD screens!

BTW: Shimadzu is not a life-science company.... don't let the BioSpec name fool you!

n.b. The older UV-160 Shimadzu spectrophotometer which is no longer in production was a fairly decent product. Besides it's ability to suffice as a boat anchor, it was a marginally reliable instrument minus the languid CRT screen which tends to burn out prematurely (and a replacement CRT screen is not cheap either if you can find one). Shimadzu has them.... for a price, but you'd probably do better to junk the UV-160!

n.b. And while we steering prospective customers away from the UV-1601, we would be remiss if: 1) we didn't mention that VWR Scientific dropped the UV-1201 product offering, and 2) we didn't note that the UV-2401 has a special "flexible" sample compartment. Shimadzu was jury-rigging the compartment with a bulky metal retrofit in an attempt to remedy a poorly engineered design but the sample compartment suffered.... it's smaller!

n.b. Shimadzu is offering a "revolutionary" 12 and 16 cell holder for use with their inferior line of spectrophotometers. The only revolutionary thing about these cell holders is the price of the 12/16 cell quartz cuvettes and the cost of any needed replacements when one breaks accidently.... and they will break! Individual quartz cuvettes are not cheap; now imagine the exorbitant price of these fragile 12 and 16 cell quartz cuvette(s).

n.b. To those detractors who think we forge internal Shimadzu memos (like the tell-all authored by Shimadzu Manager Terry Adams) or make up the emails that are forwarded to us.... well, you're WRONG! We withhold identities for two reasons: 1) we won't give Shimadzu the opportunity to scoop a sale, and 2) we don't need to involve innocent customers who might be targeted by the curmudgeons who strive to shut us down.

n.b. Once again, we will reiterate our position that we will pay 20,000 Japanese yen to the first contributor who provides incontrovertible evidence which definitively proves that we have fabricated any of the information (opinions exempted) presented as factual on our homepage at:! How could we be more fair? How come no one (not even Shimadzu Corporation) has filed a claim to cash in on this offer? Could it be that all of our facts are in order? Well.... COULD IT? Now we'll ask, what are our online detractors offering other than a lot of biased observations and HOT air?

Think Shimadzu is missing something.... sure they are!

Now Beckman and HP customers can marvel at
the factual information found on this homepage!

For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-LIARS

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