Every since the formation of the family, our members have strived to uphold our creed. Our creed is as follows and is the corner stone of who we are.
We profess unity between our kinderd and our guest. We work to make sure that no one is left out of our family that enters our hall. We profess our unity through being helpfull and curtious to our fellow kindred.
We pledge to protect our fellow kindred and our fair city. Through protecting each other, we strengthen the bonds of our kindredship. Through pledging support to our city, we strengthen the bonds with our community.
Through knowledge, we seek to educate ourselves, to learn of our past and present to understand our future. We seek to help educate all for the benifit of the community.
We strive to promote the Well Being of our kindred, and all who enter our halls as guest. To support each other through the best of time and through the worst of time.