The stories of our people are important because they are not only a form of entertainment that bonds families and people, but they are a way to
orally pass down idealized or characterized behavior. They further act as a way to express beliefs and taboos and act as a central way to celebrate and explain the circle of life. Here are some of the
stories that I know. Remember, that an alternate way to interpret the stories should be taken here. It’s not *just* the story, but also the telling of the story that passively passes much unspoken
information. It’s not just the story, but something more: the storytelling.
For example, the strawberry story is very popular and is usually told marginally to greatly different by everyone; it’s not the exact story,
but how it’s told and the included elements are what reflects what were important to the bearer of that story. Most of these stories are targeted at children and young adolescents. Ok, here we go.