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Wild Harvest - Morels Fiddleheads Wild Leeks

All that the Rain Promises and More...
by David Arora

This quirky pocket guide to western mushrooms is a must for foragers and wild edibles lovers, or anyone who loves fungi, or for that matter anyone who just loves fun. It is a solid, detailed guide for identifying fungi - no small concern if you hope to consume what you forage. It is also overflowing with pictures of wildly improbable mushrooms and first-person stories of mushroom hunts as told by amateurs and experts alike.

You get the idea right from the cover - a tuxedoed trumpet player emerging from a successful mushroom hunt. (He happened to spot his quarry near the church where he will play for a wedding. Mushroom hunters are, as the author points out, nothing if not opportunists.)

The book is focused on mushrooms of the western states but foragers all over the country will find it both useful and entertaining.