
"And if You don't know what that means, You must've been living in a Cave for the last few years...

...Or are the proud parent of a Pokémaniac."

This page is intended to be a resource for anyone, parent or Trainer or League Master. I've included one of hte most complete Pokédexs anyone is likely to find on the internet. Please feel free to check out my Pokédex, or use my for-printing Pokédex, which allows you to check off the pokémon you have.

Pokémon are animals, litterally "pocket monsters" that inhabit a world very similar to our own. In this world, pokémon are kept as pets, raised, or trained to fight. The battles take place between "Pokémon trainers" men and women who compete for the title of Leagure Champion to become pokémon masters. Each battle takes place until one or the other trainer is out of useable pokémon; meaning all his or her pokémon have fainted. The fights can take place anywhere two trainers happen to meet, but the serious ones occure in Pokémon Gyms. Each gym has one Gym Leader, and several other trainers who study under him. When one beats a gym leader, he recieves a Badge. Once a trainer has 8 badges, he can enter the Pokemon League Headquarters, and compete against the Elite Four plus the current League Champion. Along the way, most trainers will have a few run-ins withTeam Rocket, a mob-gang who seek to exploit Pokémon for profit. In the game, they also run a Gambling Casino where people can win coins, then exchange them for prizes. The basic concept behind Pokémon is for a trainer to catch as many as he can (all 150 different types), create a winning team, and become the Leage Champion.

There are 4 currently available Pokémon games for Nintendo Game Boy, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red, with another two (Silver and Gold) due for release fall of 2000.

Pokémon Green, not available in the US is the early form of Pokémon Blue. It is harder, and has not been translated. There are rumors that it contains more Pokémon than its American counterparts, but I can't personally say that. It is possible to order Green online, just bear in mind that it is still in Japanese. The picture on the cover of the game is a Bulbasaur.

Pokemon Blue, the second version of Green is the counterpart to Red. Both Red and Blue are pretty much identical, except in the types of Pokémon that can be caught. Two friends who have Red and Blue would be able to cathc and trade, to have all 150 featured Pokemon. The Japanese versions also have the 151st Pokémon, Mew. Supposedly Mew can be caught if both people are linked together with Red and Blue.





Image from http://mypage.goplay.com/Meowth52/page3.html








VadinTech INC, "Bringing the World Together" ©1989

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