Pokémon from Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red:
#000. Missingno
#001. Bulbasaur
#002. Ivysaur
#003. Venusaur
#004. Charmander
#005. Charmeleon
#006. Charizard
#007. Squirtle
#008. Wartortle
#009. Blastoise
#010. Caterpie
#011. Metapod
#012. Butterfree
#013. Weedle
#014. Kakuna
#015. Beedrill
#016. Pidgey
#017. Pidgeotto
#018. Pidgeot
#019. Rattata
#020. Raticate
#021. Spearow
#022. Fearow
#023. Ekans
#024. Arbok
#025. Pikachu
#026. Raichu
#027. Sandshrew
#028. Sandslash
#029. Nidoran (Female)
#030. Nidorina
#031. Nidoqueen
#032. Nidoran (Male)
#033. Nidorino
#034. Nidoking
#035. Clefairy
#036. Clefable
#037. Vulpix
#038. Ninetales
#039. Jigglypuff
#040. Wigglytuff
#041. Zubat
#042. Golbat
#043. Oddish
#044. Gloom
#045. Vileplume
#046. Paras
#047. Parasect
#048. Venonat
#049. Venomoth
#050. Diglett
#050. Diglett
#051. Dugtrio
#052. Meowth
#053. Persian
#054. Psyduck
#055. Golduck
#056. Mankey
#057. Primeape
#058. Growlithe
#059. Arcanine
#060. Poliwag
#061. Poliwhirl
#062. Poliwrath
#063. Abra
#064. Kadabra
#065. Alakazam
#066. Machop
#067. Machoke
#068. Machamp
#069. Bellsprout
#070. Weepinbell
#071. Victreebell
#072. Tentacool
#073. Tentacruel
#074. Geodude
#075. Graveler
#076. Golem
#077. Ponyta
#078. Rapidash
#079. Slowpoke
#080. Slowbro
#081. Magnemite
#082. Magneton
#083. Farfetch'd
#084. Doduo
#085. Dodtrio
#086. Seel
#087. Dewgong
#088. Grimer
#089. Muk
#090. Shellder
#091. Cloyster
#092. Gastly
#093. Haunter
#094. Gengar
#095. Onix
#096. Drowzee
#097. Hypno
#098. Krabby
#099. Kingler
#100. Voltorb
#101. Electrode
#102. Exeggute
#103. Exeggutor
#104. Cubone
#105. Marowak
#106. Hitmonlee
#107. Hitmonchan
#108. Lickitung
#109. Koffing
#110. Weezing
#111. Rhyhorn
#112. Rhydon
#113. Chansey
#114. Tangela
#115. Kangaskhan
#116. Horsea
#117. Seadra
#118. Goldeen
#119. Seaking
#120. Staryu
#121. Starmie
#122. Mr. Mime
#123. Scyther
#124. Jynx
#125. Electrabuzz
#126. Magmar
#127. Pinsir
#128. Tauros
#129. Magikarp
#130. Gyarados
#131. Lapras
#132. Ditto
#133. Eevee
#134. Vaporeon
#135. Jolteon
#136. Flareon
#137. Porygon
#138. Omanyte
#139. Omastar
#140. Kabuto
#141. Kabutops
#142. Aerodactyl
#143. Snorlax
#144. Articuno
#145. Zapdos
#146. Moltres
#147. Dratini
#148. Dragonair
#149. Dragonite
#150. Mewtwo
#151. Mew*


Rare, but gettable pokémon from B, G, Y, and R:
#151. Mew*
#153. Togepi*
#154. Pikablu*
#162 Isowatt
#179 Chrystal
#180 Chrysaliss
#192 Starus
#??? Yoshi
#??? Mewthree


Unbelievably Rare Pokémon:
 #??? Luigi  #??? Prof. Oak  #??? Mewthree


Pokémon from Silver and Gold:
#152 Chikorita
#153 Beirifu
#154 Meganiumu
#155 Hinoarashi
#156 Magumarshi
#157 Bakufun
#158 Waninoko
#159 Arigeitsu
#160 Odairu
#161 Otachi
#162 Ootachi
#163 Hoho
#164 Yorunozuku
#165 Redeiba
#166 Redeian
#167 Itomaru
#168 Araidosu
#169 Kuroba
#170 Chonchi
#171 Rantan
#172 Pichu
#173 Pii
#174 Pupurin
#175 Togepi
#176 Togechikku
#177 Neitei
#178 Neitio
#179 Meripu
#180 Mokoko
#181 Denryuu (Tenriyuu)
#182 Kireihana
#183 Mariru (Marril, Pikablu)
#184 Maririru
#185 Usokki (can only be caught once)
#186 Nyorotono
#187 Hanekko
#188 Popokko
#189 Watakko
#190 Eipamu
#191 Himanatsu
#192 Kimawari
#193 Yanyanma
#194 Upa
#195 Nuo
#196 Efi
#197 Burakki
#198 Yamikarasu
#199 Yadokingu (Yadokinku)
#200 Muuma
#201 Annon
#202 Sonansu
#203 Kirinriki
#204 Kunugidama
#205 Fuoretosu
#206 Nokocchi
#207 Guraiga
#208 Haganeru
#209 Buru (Bruno)
#210 Guranburu
#211 Harisen
#212 Hassamu
#213 Tsubotsubo
#214 Herakurosu
#215 Nyura
#216 Himeguma
#217 Ringuma
#218 Magumaggu
#219 Magukarugo
#220 Urimu
#221 Inomu
#222 Sanigo
#223 Teppouo
#224 Okutan
#225 Deribado
#226 Maintain
#227 Eamudo
#228 Derubiru
#229 Heruga
#230 Kingudora
#231 Gomazou
#232 Donfan
#233 Porigon2 (Poygon II)
#234 Odoshishi
#235 Doburu
#236 Baruki
#237 Kapoera
#238 Muchuru
#239 Erekiddo
#240 Bubii
#241 Mirutanwa
#242 Hapinasu
#243 Raikou
#244 Entei
#245 Suikun
#246 Yogirasu
#247 Sanagiasu
#248 Bangirasu
#249 Lugia (can only be caught once)
#250 Houou (can only be caught once)
#251 Serebii


Legendary Pokémon:
#154 Tyranticus
#155 Pikabud
#156 Pikaflare
(#156 Flareth)
#157 Doomsay
#158 Doomsday
#359 Diminox
#160 Wizwar
#161 ???
#162 ???
#163 ???
#164 ???
#165 ???
#166 ???
#167 ???
#168 Dofan
#169 ???
#170 Cyil
#171 Lunareon
#172 -
#299 ???
#300 Gloob
#301 Mewee
#302 Cutiepie
#303 Bingo
#304 Doset
#305 Vootwo
#306 Charbulble
#307 Nightrojen
#308 Pikamars
#309 Chartoise
#310 Batrachian
#311 Scytheper
#312 Woofpool
#313 ???
#314 Poof
#315 Xbrain
#316 Superchu
#317 Gyradeath
#318 Foleon
#319 Scythero
#320 Starmish
#321 Trop-mew
#322 Firebird
#323 Geobird
#324 Morphus
#325 Pikaboo
#326 Charnole
#327 Pegazeus
#328 Mewblu
#329 Ghostly
#330 Bing
#331 Alenkar
#331 Freezecap
#332 Saragotchi
#333 Oceaneel
#334 Charait
#335 Wakkazoid
#336 Energuy
#337 ???
#338 Mischu
#339 Matchilioh
#340 Foresaur
#341 Pikachub
#342 Dragor
#343 Daisysaur
#344 Electramew
#345 Knowitall
#346 Matopsis
#347 Baisen
#348 Mechtroid
#349 Hellraiser
#350 Mewnine
#351 Togetwo
#352 Sunny
#353 Firefree
#354 Mazilla
#355 Apacolyps
#356 Seedling
#357 Jigglyplum
#358 Pokéwraith
#359 ???
#360 Lotusan
#361 Centideath
#362 Metalsaur
#363 Pikairon
#364 Locafree
#365 Pinsire
#366 Frozone
#367 Redda
#368 Kruno
#369 Chilly
#370 Feliflame
#371 Cyduck
#372 Fracture
#373 ???
#374 Gamble
#375 Draken

#376 Clegnyana
#377 Dragondon
(#377 Gork)
#378 Icepick
#379 Psything
#380 Alactrode
#381 kiliansh
#382 Explo
#383 Tauroskhan
#384 Mirroroar
#385 Laprince
#386 Raticlaw
#387 Shockra
#388 Liquetzal
#389 Aeroboom
#390 Cerebu
#391 Aquatres
#392 Algaez
#393 ???
#394 ???
#395 ???
#396 ???
#397 ???
#398 ???
#399 ???
#400 ???
#401 Dimotrite
#402 ???
#403 Ninetimes
#404 Ripclaw
#405 ???
#406 Spinneret
#407 Spinnster
#408 ???
#409 Shellry
#410 -
#711 ???
#712 Butterdude
#713 ???
#714 Zuirtle
#??? Frogglet
#??? Electrakid

#??? Metalic Mewtwo

#??? Kireihana





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