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Via. Technology to Social Change -

A Vision of Tomorrow?

A later version has been published by The Technology Source - July/August 1999

Key words:

reduction | 'super teacher' | 'education brokers' | attainment database | identifier identifies | 'schools' | 'currency' | career planning | easy access

Over the last few years, education and training provision has been subject to massive change.

No matter how great this change has been, perhaps this is only just the beginning!

During the next few years I see a gradual reduction in the number of schools, colleges and universities (and teachers ) as on-line education and vocational courses, provided by major international companies, and funded by governments, successfully compete for their 'global market share' amongst those provided by schools, colleges and universities. Current validation bodies will become increasingly irrelevant, and will have to fight for their existence, as private companies provide education / training globally, with a 'brand name' and market identity, for a fraction of the cost of current provision. 

There will be the creation of the 'super teacher' in the form of an author of innovative and 'commercial' educational material, and these people will command large fees. There is every chance that they will originate from the world of computer gaming. Many classroom teachers may see their job reduced to that of a 'classroom operative', reviewing CAL software for currency, ensuring that computers are working, delivering non-key or additional learning materials, overseeing examinations and dealing with social situations. More 'highly qualified' teachers may deliver key learning not provided (or considered unsatisfactory) on-line or to meet specific local situations. They will supervise their 'operative level' colleagues by validating learning and assessment records, evaluating the effectiveness of particular learning programmes, validating assessments and check the documentation and records held by the operative level. 

On the high street, and on-line, will emerge 'education brokers'. This provision will help you choose the 'learning package' you require in order to graduate from key stage 4 at school, or to gain the skills required by the new company opening soon. You may select a module from Microsoft, one from Plato and two from Kellogs to provide you with the desired skills profile. These products were chosen because the learning material's teaching strategies match your known optimum learning profile, they meet the required objectives, they are the right price, and will produce fast learning outcomes. 

The range of possible course products was filtered for you automatically by a search engine that took some of its filter criteria from the national attainment database. Your attainment record and your known learning aptitudes and preferences on the database were cross referenced with the job / person specification provided by the employer for your particular employment goal, and the product data of the participating software providers. 

The national attainment database is actually maintained by a company in India. All educational / training software from any learning location feeds the database, as do the new modules built into many on-line PC and games consul programs that will analyse, categorise and record strategic planning, problem solving, creative and lateral thinking skills attainment. Because this is unsupervised attainment data, it is used only for secondary ('inference') analysis purposes. 

The use of your National Insurance number as an identifier ensures that your profile is not confused with someone else. As this applies to everyone, being a foreign national, changing your name (or even your gender) is not a problem. Your profile is your profile for life. 

The database also collects data about: 

  • what learning material was accessed;
  • for how long;
  • what formative assessment 'loops' were visited and the level of understanding demonstrated;
  • the nature and level of higher order thinking skills mastered;
  • summative assessment results and grade. 

It also identifies the conditions under which learning was optimised during the programme in order to be able to generate similar learning situations in the future, and to avoid strategies known to be ineffective. This aspect pays particular attention to gender issues, and is capable of adjusting training and assessment provision to avoid situations that disadvantage an individual. The development of on-line teaching provision has improved the performance of male pupils, and analysis of learning pattern and assessment data shows marked differences in the learning and performance aptitudes of males and females.

Weak areas of achievement or knowledge are noted by the system. This data allows the training provision software to customise the programme to address these areas with additional remedial material and/or adjust the nature and speed of the delivery to optimise assimilation of the materials. 

Beyond the age of 11, attendance at 'schools', small premises or converted houses, within walking distance of home, is no longer on a compulsory daily basis. Pupils attend a minimum of twice weekly for tutorial support from a classroom support officer, with timetabled input from a teaching specialist (see Daily Mail May 21st 1998. p27). For the rest of the time, they may work from home on-line, using tele-conferencing, and contact with neighbours and family, to maintain social relationships. All learning material accessed, and assessment activity undertaken, is monitored to ensure optimum learning is not reduced.

Vocational education / training is provided in a similar manner, the 'learning centre' often providing the venue, the jobs information database and social interaction and support. Training whilst in employment is undertaken in the workplace and / or in your own time, and is readily funded by employers. Many people are also familiar with short contract employment punctuated with periods of training designed to optimise their current skills profile and their general aptitudes and abilities with the demands of the new employment on offer. The analysis of your needs is, of course, provided in part by the national attainment database. 

Skills 'currency' becomes an issue, and regular re-assessment of skills and their performance becomes part of the employment requirements of many companies. In a number of occupations, a skills currency audit is required every three years. This is done on-line within the workplace. Remedial teaching is provided where necessary. 

Prospective employers use the facilities of the national attainment database to 'headhunt' key staff with desirable skills profiles. They are also able to use detailed and highly specific criteria in order for it to make small selections of 4 or 5 prospective employees to interview for employment positions. 

Individuals use the national attainment database in career planning, deciding themselves what educational / training profile will serve them best. The system can inform them on an on-going basis should they wish, of new job options / provision, and the training (if any) required for them to qualify for consideration. Any skills the individual feels they have, and which are not credited to them, can be assessed via. suitable assessment materials for a small charge. Any deficiencies can be targeted, and teaching provided for an additional charge depending upon the extent of the tuition required. 

Government and major employers find the data held on the national attainment database useful when planning short, mid and long term investment and employment opportunities within selected countries or within specific areas. High grade training is now accurately targeted at known demographic, social, economic and employment needs. 

Exceptionally easy access to high quality, accessible, affordable tuition materials tailored for their personal learning needs and aptitudes leads many people to study as a leisure activity, and the range of materials available expands enormously. Entrepreneurial activities by small, often disparate groups of individuals, lead to a new fast changing, dynamic business orientated culture where qualifications count highly, ‘social status’, gender and age count for little, and actual performance is everything.