Berndog's Guestbook 2

Guest: Josh Lee
Josh thinks Bernard is a freak
Josh's favorite possession that belongs to Bernard is his awesome $650 car
hey whats up bernard..... i heard you went to LA for christmas...

when are you going to come down to maryland? i think people back home are kinda upset cause you don't keep in touch...oh well
hey did you know that GBF changed their name to Lighthouse Community Church? kinda cheezy huh?

anyways, i hope all is well with you....


Bernard replies: Hey Joshik. Hmmm I didn't know that people were upset in Maryland because I didn't keep in touch. I've been trying but it's so expensive to try to call and letters are hard too. Oh well, I guess I'll try to go down and visit once in the next few months or so. I'll have to wait and see about Doo's wedding. Talk to you soon.

Date: January 13, 1997
Guest: Helen Hong
Helen thinks Berndog is a stud, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
Helen thinks Berndog takes showers far too many times a week
Bernice, you stud. When do you find the time to do this stuff? For a minute I
thought I was losing my mind while viewing your "guestbook." To think, I was
the only Helen on this planet for you...

(I know you'll respond to this.)
Helen (VA)

P.S. We beat your Phillipi football team. No, actually, we creamed them.

Berndog replies: Alas Helen, you are right, you are the only Helen for me. That other Helen is an imposter. After all, who else can do the mating call of some zebra type animal so successfully at Neighborhood or act the part of Moses and split the Red Sea as well as you can. And YES, I know we lost Turkey Bowl major.

Date: December 27, 1996
KAT thinks Berndog takes showers far too many times a week

Berndog replies: Hmmm, not much said here!

Date: December 10, 1996
KATHY thinks Berndog is a stud, a big dork, a nice guy, a great-praise leader, a chonom, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
KATHY thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him

And he is just TOO NICE. Hi bernard, its me

Berndog replies: What legendary tales???

Date: December 10, 1996
Guest: tae-yoon kim
Tae thinks Berndog is a stud
Tae thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
hey berndog! your page is awesome. i hope you're studying hard. remember to eat
wheatena to grow up healthy and strong.
i think one of the options should be an extremely handsome guy who
looks good modelling other peoples' clothes. the 7-up spot kind of
dances like you too. take care of yourself and stop trying to use
this homepage to pick up dates :)

Berndog replies: Yes, I love modelling other peoples clothes, hmmm, maybe I'll actually change that. Look here to see if it is changed. And I'll stop trying to pick up dates with this, which I must say I have been largely unsuccessful :( Hope things are going well Tae.

Date: December 5, 1996
Guest: Jane Hong
Jane thinks Berndog is a stud, and a nice guy
Jane thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
Hi Bernard

Long time no communicate. I wanted to visit your
site and take all the cool looking graphics in
case I would ever need it....

I need some of your secrets though on designing
this page...

Where'd you get the background and
how can i make a form like this for me students to fill

I am very busy amd very tired...
these days I am reminded of those very very late crazy
nights at the cit (Sigh)

were the days...

miss you much


Berndog replies: Yes those CIT parties sure were fun. And we never studied, and then we would go to Dunkin Donuts so early in the morning. How I long to remember (sigh)

Date: December 3, 1996
Guest: Pat and Pete
Pat and Pete think Berndog is a stud, a big dork, a nice guy, a great praise leader, a chonom, and a good looking-guy especially in sunglasses
Pat and Pete think Berndog takes showers much less than enough times per week
What's up DOG

Hey Berndog, We miss you man. You're page is pretty
cool. We can't wait to hear your heavenly voice when
you lead praise. We're at Hopkins right now, JOFF!
N E ways see ya later.

Berndog replies: Nice guys!

Date: December 3, 1996
Guest: Jenny Kim
Jenny thinks Berndog takes showers just the right number of times per week
Hi Bernard!

I don't know you, and you probably don't know me, but
your home page looked really cool and it told me
to sign your guest book, so guess what!? I did!
hee hee!

You are attending med school at Tufts? Wow, it must
have been hard to get in. How old are you? Do you have
many friends at Boston? Because I know many people
in the area and I might be there sometime before
the winter break. Maybe we can meet! hee hee...
well, gotta run, but it's been fun signing your


Berndog replies: Well, Jenny, you are right about that, I don't know who you are, but I'm glad that you could stop by and sign my guestpage. Hope your stay in Boston is a good one. Oh yeah, because you are wondering, I was born in '73 and I have some friends in Boston, but since I've only been here a few months or so, I'm always trying to garner some new ones.

Date: November 21, 1996
Guest: Monique Johnson
Monique thinks Berndog is a chonom
Monique thinks Berndog takes showers just the right number of times per week
Aah, the man of arrogance himself.

yes, "BERNDOG", it is me, Monique, again, here to
talk to you. My my my you have made yourself quite
a celebrity here on the internet. Find any potential
wives with this web page? i mean, after all. isn't
that what this whole thing is for?

I write to just update you on my life. by the way,
i am not a homosexual, so you can remove all those
ideas in your head as to what you stereotype me to
be, you racist. but i have begun tai-chi classes, and
that has taught me to expose, yet harness, the strength
of my inner self. yes. we all have it within us.
to rule the world..........

Berndog replies: At last, you have returned to torment me more with your silliness. And of course I haven't found any wives through my home page unless of course you would like to marry me. By your tone, I think we could get along just fine. So if you think so too, you know where you can reach me.

Date: November 21, 1996
Guest: Dukewon
Dukewon thinks Berndog is a great praise leader
Dukewon thinks Berndog takes showers just the right number of times per week
it's good to hear that you've heard your calling again
in the ministry... i've always known your place was
behind the bass. praise God! Look at my response to
question #1 and you'll know where I think God is
leading you next....

don't give me no lip. i knew it all along....

always rooting for you...

Berndog replies: Don't ask me. It isn't settled yet. We'll see where I serve this year. Right now I'm not sure, but about your response on my questionaire, I don't think that'll happen, at least I hope not, but then again, I've been saying that about a lot. We'll see where the needs are, and I'll try to do what I think is the most lacking. Maybe I won't pull a Dukewon and I won't do the bass. Who knows. Talk to you soon.

Date: November 20, 1996
Guest: Eric H. Eun and Matt Ro
Eric and Matt think Berndog is a a big dork, a chonom, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
Eric and Matt think Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
hey berndog i just want to tell you that you are a
chonom i hope that that is a good thing you know me
being white and all i don't know. but we at new dorm
took a vote and actually voted that you are the coolest
guy in the world and the most wanted guy in providence
among the men that is. but i hope that you are doing
well and that God continues to watch over you. Hope to
see you soon. for those people who are reading this
barnard is really an awsome guy with a big heart! and
that is the truth.

me and him

Berndog replies: I don't know if I'm the coolest guy in the WHOLE world, but I guess I can't argue with you guys ;)

Date: November 20, 1996
Guest: Helen
Emma thinks Berndog is a chonom
Emma thinks Berndog takes showers less than enough times per week
Hi Bernard,
I was just catching up on e-mail and decided to check out your page.
What's with the spazzy greeting on your intro page?
It's kinda funny.
Just like it's funny that I met your brother at Hartford Church.
You guys are so different...
But similar in some ways.
Take care,

Berndog replies: Yeah I suppose we are different, but you know how things work out with the personalities of the oldest and the youngest. I'm the mahng-neh you know.

Date: November 18, 1996
Guest: Josh
Josh thinks Berndog is a stud, a big dork, a nice guy, a great praise leader, a chonom, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
Josh thinks Berndog takes showers far too many times a week
hey berny... havent taked to you in a while... how have you bee?

Berndog replies: I suppose I've been pretty busy so I haven't been able to play much. At least my last week was over. It was soooo hectic, but I'm done alright. Now only Thanksgiving left and then a few more finals :(

Date: November 7, 1996
Guest: Sehyung Kim (Seh)
Seh thinks Berndog is a stud, a big dork, a nice guy, a great praise leader, a chonom, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
Seh thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash of sentient biohazards on him
Hey I really don't know you except that you saw me a few years ago at a George Winston Concert at Royce Hall... and that you ran over me playing basketball sometime back... I just wanted to get on your Guestbook and feel all cool and special... by the way, praise band, apparently isn't the same without you... and I, incidentally, am playing my TAYLOR with the youth group praise band... we'll take you and your old praise band to a praise band chanllenge... Well, I hope Med school is treating you well up there and take care of yourself... I like you homepage... can you make one for our apartment? Oh... our addresses are... See you later... are you coming down for Thanksgiving at all?

Berndog replies: Hey Seh, well I'm glad that you remember those few times that I did meet you. I'm really glad that you helping out with Praise and stuff. I hope band is going well but I'm sure that you are making a big contribution. Hope GBF is going well, but I won't be able to visit for a while I don't think.

Date: November 7, 1996
Guest: Ruda and Jeanne
The A-crew thinks Berndog is a stud, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
The A-crew thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
Bernard sorry for not writing you back last time. -Ruda
This is a sweeeet homepage.
Jeanne-OK, here's the update on things at GBF: Turkey Bowl in a couple of
weeks (Jude's the quarterback!) new chairs and lamps in the sanctuary Rute's
field hockey team is tthe '96 regional champs! Jude and I got a new car
(Saturn and Corolla) and Peter has some girlfriends! Bye for now. You know
what, we always think of you every time we hear "I Love You, Always
Forever.,..." by Donna Lewis

Berndog replies:
Hey Guys,
Dang Ruda, what a RUDE GIRL!!! I can't believe that you didn't write back. Nah, I'm kidding, it's no big deal, I'll get over it, :~( And of course your team made it too the regionals, we saw you play, remember, you were so awesome. Everyone else couldn't get that ball between the red flag and the top of the goal, but not Ruda, she rocked that.

Jeanne- Dang, you got a new car too, how come I'm the only one with a six fiddy. It's still hanging in there, but barely. I'll have to get a new six fiddy, maybe it'll be an eight fiddy, YEAH!!

Jude- well I'll write you something anyway, even though you didn't write, have fun at Turkey Bowl, but you are a natch, you know how football players are into ballet. I can't believe you got a new car too, how unfair. :P

Date: November 3, 1996
Guest: coby wan kenobi
coby thinks Berndog is a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
coby thinks Berndog takes showers much less than enough times per week

you know what's cuter than those Joy bottles? Mrs.
Butterworth!!! you know, the syrup chick. what a babe!
i just finished looking through your homepage and i
think it's really kewl. have you found out that monique
lady yet? whoever she is, i'm sure she doesn't know
the _real_ berndog kim- the studly guy with sunglasses
and timberland jacket that makes him look like a
yuhjah. :D whoever you marry will have to deal with
that. i'll leave it alone for now. hasta luego and have
fun studying (hehe, unlike me).

Berndog replies: Mrs. Butterworth is alright, but she is way way too old for me. I found out Monique was Chester, so now I know. Hmmm, anything else, well, I guess not, talk to you later, and don't start hitting on Mrs. Butterworth.

Date: November 2, 1996
Guest: Jacob Chung
Jacob thinks Berndog is a big dork, and a chonom
Jacob thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
hey berndog,
what's up? i'm looking at your loser homepage right
now. man, you need some serious psychological help.
just kidding! :) i like the dancing Spot. :) is that
how you dance? well, it was good kicking your guys'
butts at the softball tourney. it's too bad i won't be
there to humiliate y'all next year. i'm just kidding.
i'm really not that cocky. i'm amazed we even won.
how's life? oops. i'm only supposed to "provide
comments about (you) and (your) page." well, it's
nice, i guess, but i just got here so i can't make a
very good opinion. all i know is, it's better than
poo's! :) see ya later.


Berndog replies: Hey Coby, yeah, I think it's better dan poo's too but it had better be, I majored in Computer Science, and I'm a bigger nerd dan him. You guys ROCKED us so bad at softball. I still can't believe you guys took out St. Johns. I thought you would, but I didn't have faith ;( Well too bad you won't be here next year, I'll be here for four. Scary huh? Well, God bless.

Date: November 2, 1996
Guest: Steve Seung Hoon Kwak
Steve thinks Berndog is a stud, a nice guy, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
Steve thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
Hey, bernie, how's it going? I truly believe that all that
is in the universe, you are. You are the paradox, yin-yang
all rolled up into one.
Just kidding!
It's so cool you have a homepage. Here I thought you'd
be stuck in the realm of the dead Mac's and Apples.
If you ever come down to New York, give me a ring.
The number is 718-224-3778. Just keep the number
as reference when those news shows come knockin'
on your door dyingfor an interview about me.
BTW, you take showers far more often than me, so who
am I to judge :) Chonom, nah, more like Beverly Hills
gahng-pae )
See you later, Kwak.

Berndog replies: Hey Steve, haven't heard from you in a while. I don't even know what you are up to really. But I guess you are in New York and I don't think I'll be visiting any time soon since I don't like NYC too much, it's soooo gross :( Talk to you soon.

Date: October 26, 1996
Guest: poo
poo thinks Berndog is a nice guy
poo thinks Berndog takes showers far too many times a week
hi there!
I am glad you finally updated your page. It was fun reading it.
It is a nice place to come to see how the PPCCers are doing.
I am surprised Jen signed your page. I think they all get to it through our
So remember that I am number one person who signs your guestbook!
You are a traitor! But you didn't do much =). It was really Scott, since he he
those good hits.
Thanks for driving me around saturday. I made the bus fine. I got there pretty
much when the WOVers did.
See ya.


Berndog replies:Yeah, it is getting hard to update my page whenever I need to now, even just to update the guestbook. Oh well, I guess I'm getting pretty busy. When Gross Anatomy starts, I'm sure it will be even harder to keep this thing up. Talk to you soon.

Date: October 21, 1996
Guest: Tar-Man
Tar-Man thinks Berndog is a stud, a nice guy, a great praise leader, and a good-looking guy, especially in sunglasses
Tar-Man thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
hey bern,
fut ij with this homepage?
miss you, man...

Berndog replies: Hey Tar, it was good to see you at the softball tournament, even though everyone called me a traitor :( It was cool to see you come and cheer kuz no one else did, so now we know who has the spirit at PPCC and who doesnt. Talk to you soon, and make sure your guitar doesn't get too much personality, kuz I think mine is approaching that level (my guitar has so many nicks and cuts in it now.)

Date: October 16, 1996
Guest: Helen
Helen thinks Berndog is a nice guy
Helen thinks Berndog takes showers more than enough times per week
Hi Bernard,
Well, your page is a little different.
I have more to read this time, but the page is slower.
In answer to your question, yes, I am still alive.
I forgot if I wrote back to you... so I'm sorry if I didn't.
Things are fine here. Just busy.
I'm sure you're busy too with med school.
How's med school and praise team?
Well, I should get going. I'm making up quizzes.
Just making the kids write out names and formulas of stuff like mercury (II)
dichromate and cupric hydroxide.
See ya later.

Take care,

Berndog replies: Hey Helen, don't work those kids too hard, and try to make them learn human physiology in one night like you, kuz not everyone can do that.

Date: October 15, 1996
Guest: Jen Koo
Jen thinks Berndog is a big dork, and a nice guy
Jen thinks Berndog takes showers just the right number of times per week
Dear Bernard,
Long time no see, talk or write! Hows everything
going at Tufts? When are you going to come visit
us? I hope you come soon, especially since you're
so close now.
Senior year is going well, and the Lord has been
pouring down His blessing upon the ministry as
And i don't know if you take enuf showers a week
cuz i can't tell when your hair is wet if it is
sweat or water, but judging from other people's
entries, i take it it is the former.
take care bern, and write me if you get the chance!
in Him, jen

Berndog replies: Hey Jen, I haven't been down to Providence for a while so I miss you guys. What is going on down there anyway. Noone came up for the tournament. :( Oh well, say hi to Jin for me.

Date: October 9, 1996
Guest: Richard Han
Rich thinks Berndog is a big dork, and a nice guy
Rich thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him

Nice... "why do NERDS!!! suddenly appear... every time,
you are near..."
How's med school going, bro? Nice to ever write. Jae
says you're doing well, I'm glad. So... how's that
roomate of yours? You're such a stud...
2nd year is going well for me, tons more of work, but
much more interesting. How's anatomy treating you?
Drop me a note when you can.


Berndog replies: I haven't started anatomy yet. I'll be starting that in November. School is cool, but I should probaby start doing some more work. But I am keeping myself busy even thoug all the Providence people think I'm a traitor kuz I played for NCPC at the softball tournament.

Date: October 8, 1996
Guest: poo
poo thinks Berndog is a big dork
poo thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
Hey there!
I see that your Smith fan club has finally seen your page,
and your many IRC friends.
But you do get some normal people to sign it lately, like Jane.
I told her to look at the PPCC page, and I guess she found yours through it.
She also say mine and found it to be lacking.

So how is tufts going?
I hear you say you something with tufts and stufts.
Didn't you get my e-mail?
I am trying to find a job for next year...
Can you help me out?
I have to look for a few in Boston.
So maybe I will end up there.
We can live together so that you don't have to live that girl, and let her live
in peace.
I hope you are not bothering her with your fruit fly farm.

My parents went to korea for the 30th anniversary thing.
They said that your parents are going too.
Maybe they will get another yearbook, and this time have a normal picture of

See yas.

Berndog replies: So that is why my parents went to Korea. To be honest, they didn't even tell me why there were going. Well, maybe my dad will have a picture of our family instead of a black and white picture of himself where he looks like me.

Date: October 5, 1996
Guest: Ed (pantha) Huang
Ed thinks Berndog is a chonom
Ed thinks Berndog takes showers much less than enough times per week
Hey Bern, what's up? Sorry I haven't emailed you in
ages...I'm getting rocked right now by my first
real cs15 programming assignment...Swarm...kill me
dude. How's med school treating you? Are you enjoying
yourself? Paul Park came up to recruit for APM and
spent some time with us lowly was
kind of fun...=). So when are YOU going to come down
to Providence and share some of your new-found
post-grad wisdom? We miss you Bern...come visit soon,
ok? Well, I better get some rest before going back to
the CIT...=). Take care guyver... -Ed

p.s. I have no idea what a chonom is, but whatever it
is, I'm sure you're it. =).

Berndog replies: CS is sooo messed, but it takes a full Bachelor's degree in it to figure it out I think. Tufts is cool, and I'm studying pretty hard but I put way more time into Brown CS. I don't think a chonom is a good thing, but I agree with you, I think I am one too.

Date: October 5, 1996
Guest: cynthia lee
cynthia thinks Berndog is a big dork
cynthia thinks Berndog takes showers far too many times a week
hi bernardo. i dont know how i got to your home page, but here i am. i
tis i, cynthia. and i was trying to see if i am your friend
but i dont think i am. so i entered pedro's name
but i dont think he is your friend either. unless
there is something i am not doing correctly.
all i know is that this is a realy really neato
home page and i like the dancing 7up guy in the corner.
where are you anyways? so like, i saw jaime at
church this summer once in california. he didnt recognize
me because he _said_ that i look really different with long
hair. whatever that means. anyways, well, i just wanted to say hi
and let you know that yours is the most fun
homepage ive ever seen. havent seen you in like
10 years, huh? well, i still think you are a
weirdo and im sure you still think i ama weirdo.
but thats ok because it takes one to know one, right?
ok. gotta go to bible study. take care bernardo.

Berndog replies: Hey Cynthia, its so good to hear from a fellow wierdo such as yourself. I haven't seen Jaime since Brown and I haven't gone back to LA for a while, but I think I'll be back home this winter. Hooray!! Even though I love Maryland, I'm only going home to see my parents. About being my friend, you are now, but you have to type "Cynthia Lee" exactly, not "cynthia lee" or some other thing, it is case sensitive. Hope that helps. Poo is "Peter Yoon" and yes, he is my friend too.

Date: October 4, 1996
Guest: Susan
Susan thinks Berndog is a nice guy
Susan thinks Berndog takes showers far too many times a week
Hey Bernie! Kewl page. remember me? aka JCFreak
aka sue_kim! Haven't seen you on #Korea or #Christian
in a while....hope things go well for you!

Berndog replies: Alas, but tis true, med school has cannabilized my time. You probably won't really see me on those channels for a long long time. You could email if you want though. Hope, school is going well.

Date: October 1, 1996
Guest: kate, katie, catalina
catalina thinks Berndog is a big dork
catalina thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash of sentient biohazards on him
hey berrrrrnarrrrrrrdo! (in spicy latino accent!)
yeah, bern. nice page.
even nicer photo. shyeah.
doe is wild. tame her.
she says,"I'm tame..."
what do you think?
I didn't know that you lived on rodeo drive. hm...odd...
I figured, with that kind of $, that you'd be able to
take at LEAST one shower a week.
Berrrrnarrrdo, I admirrrre and rrrrrespect you for your
incrrrrredibly wild rrrrrrugged good looks.
With looks as enchanting as your's, what else would you
I know.
Perhaps some latino dancing skills.
And a silk red sash...and perhaps a rose clenched in
between those strong rugged teeth.
Doe does this funny impression of Berndog as praise-
Do you really clap with your hands OVER your head, rather
than in front of most un-jacked people?
Oh, Doe said it's because of the guitar.
I get it now.
Ok, well...see you this weekend.
I'm expecting sushi.
:D :D :D :D

i'm going to fly to iowa,

Berndog replies: Dang girl, you are soooo jacked, or should I say cracked. I think you have been hanging around Jane and Sae Hee way too much. Catalina, I'm not so sure about sushi. After all, I'm just a poor grad student.

Date: September 30, 1996
Guest: DoE
DoE thinks Berndog is a big dork, a nice guy, a great praise leader
DoE thinks Berndog takes showers not even enough times to wash off sentient biohazards on him
Hi Bernard :D it is...try number 4!! And I really hope
it works this time because if it doesn't, then FORGET
IT! (I still think it's a little sketchy that you didn't
get the other THREE!!!)

So, how's it going? I can't believe so many people have
visited your page...don't people have better things
to do with their lives? anycase, it looks
really good...except your obsession with this yuj
thing is getting a little out of hand!

Well...I hope you're doing well over at Tufts...studying
hard and meeting new friends :) I'm sure that there are
many just waiting to meet someone as great as you...just
like us GBF'ers think!!

Talk to you later :)

Berndog replies: Yeah, hmmmm, that does sound sort of sketchy now doesn't it ;)

Date: September 30, 1996
To see the older entries:
Guestbook 1 : June 19, 1996 - Sept. 30, 1996
Total number of guests so far: 65
Last updated February 4, 1997