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Meredith's First Camping Trip

Nashville, April, 2000

Click on a photo to enlarge

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"This is my Grandpoppy protecting me from tigers and bears."

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"That's my daddy bringing the firewood to roast the marshmallows!"

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"Time for the marshmallows, yumm..."

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"This is my new friend Rocky, and my other new friend Tigger."

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"I wish Mama would let me do it myself."

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"Dusty's my buddy.  He is just my size and he plays on the blanket with me."

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"My daddy built this for us to sleep in!"

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"This was really scary at first, but I learned to like it"

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"Humm, jungle gym.  Cool!"

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"My Mimi took this picture of the beautiful sunset."


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Sandy: sandy@cobbwebdesign.com  Dave:dave@cobbwebdesign.com

  This page was last updated on 05/10/00.