To use these cheats, hit enter, then type the cheat code, then hit
enter again. Enjoy!
Prizes -- 10,000 gold, 5000 lumber and oil
it is a good day to die -- God mode
noglues -- disables runes, etc..
valdez -- 5000 oil
spycob -- 5000 oil
make it so -- Lets you build fast.
showpath -- shows you the whole map
hatchet -- your peasants only have to chop twice to harvest lumber
there can be only one -- quick ending
On screen -- uncovers map, and works in modem play
fastdemo -- makes demo scenes at menu start faster
ecstasy -- instantly win the scenario you're on
title -- toggles the use of cheat codes.
tigerlily -- lets you skip levels. Follow it with a level #.
Note: I have not personally tried all of the codes on this page. If one of them doesn't work, please send mail to me at