Motif and X related Links
This site is mirrored in fortunecity, yahoo's geocities and lycos's tripod.
I guarantee that that the most up to date version will be the lycos tripod and fortunecity's site, for they offer ftp access, with yahoo's geocities I have to update with a web interface. But I try to update all at once.
There are a few places you just have to take a look at if you want to do anything in Motif
But I supose that with
Kenton Lee's link page everything else is somewhat redundant. Visit kenton Lee at
I would like to make a personal mention to (in no particular order)
Here I keep a copy of my personal bookmarks since every now and then netscape and mozilla seem to get confused and delete them. This is only here for my personal use, but hey!, you can have a peek if you want.
Recomended books is a list of books that I personaly find interesting for an undergraduate computer science course. They are all books I would like to have (hint, hint), some I already have and others all I have are good reviews. They are once again only listed here for my personal reference. Most of them I have used at university and found very good and or useful. I just wanted to keep track of them.