|Singular optics|
Matter waves|
Cavity solitons|
|Fast light|
Phase conjugation|
Optical chaos|
Numerical modeling|
Selected publications.
Singular optics.
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Angular momentum of photon and
phase conjugation".
J.Phys.B, v.41, 101001(2008).
- A.Yu.Okulov."3D-vortex labyrinths
in the near field of solid-state microchip
Journal of Modern Optics,v.55,n.2,pp.241-259(2008).
- A.Yu.Okulov. "3D-configuration of the vortex lattices in microchip laser
Quantum Communications, Measurement and Computing. Proceedings of the
VII International Conference,
Glasgow, UK, 25-29 July (2004), p.366.AIP
Conference Proceedings, v.734.
Matter waves.
Cavity solitons.
Fast light.
Phase-locking in microchip lasers.
- A.Yu.Okulov."3D-vortex labyrinths in the near field of solid-state microchip
Journal of Modern Optics,v.55,n.2,pp.241-259(2008).
- A.Yu.Okulov."Scaling of diode-array-pumped solid-state lasers
via self-imaging". Opt.Comm.,v.99,p.350-354(1993).
- A.Yu.Okulov."The effect of roughness of optical elements on
the transverse structure of a light field in a nonlinear Talbot
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Two-dimensional periodic structures in nonlinear resonator".
- A.Yu.Okulov."Gain-mode coupling in solid-state microchip laser array".
Optics and Spectroscopy.v.77,N6,p.985(1994).
Phase conjugation.
- I.G.Zubarev,A.B.Mironov,S.I.Michailov,A.Yu.Okulov.
"Accuracy of reproduction of time structure of the exciting radiation in stimulated scattering of light"
Sov.Phys.JETP,v.57(2),p.270 (1983).
- N.G.Basov,I.G.Zubarev,A.B.Mironov,S.I.Michailov,A.Yu.Okulov
"Phase fluctuations of the Stockes wave produced as a result of
stimulated scattering of light".Sov.Phys.
- N.G.Basov,
"Laser interferometer with wavefront reversing mirrors",
Optical Chaos.
Numerical modeling.
- A.Yu.Okulov."The effect of roughness of optical elements on
the transverse structure of a light field in a nonlinear Talbot
- A.Yu.Okulov."Gain-mode coupling in solid-state microchip laser array".
Optics and Spectroscopy.v.77,N6,p.985(1994).
- A.Yu.Okulov."Scaling of diode-array-pumped solid-state lasers
via self-imaging". Opt.Comm.,v.99,p.350-354(1993).
- A.Yu.Okulov."3D-vortex labyrinths in the near field of solid-state microchip
Journal of Modern Optics,v.55,n.2,pp.241-259(2008).
- N.G.Basov,I.G.Zubarev,A.B.Mironov,S.I.Michailov,A.Yu.Okulov
"Interferometer for measurement of correlation functions",
Authors certificate (analog of patent in FSU) # 921304
priority from August, 8 1980, registered December 14, 1981.
- N.G.Basov,I.G.Zubarev,A.B.Mironov,S.I.Michailov,A.Yu.Okulov
"Laser system".
Authors certificate (analog of patent in FSU ) # 1088620,
Priority from October 23,1980 , registeredDecember 22, 1983.
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