These are all (hopefully) useful programs that I've written for various purposes. Unless
otherwise specified, source code is not provided (probably because it's spaghetti :).
Evan Wright's PageBuilder v0.5 - This is
the program I'm using to build this website. It was written in VC++ using MFC, and
implements some basic HTML templating. If you have many pages that have the same
basic form, with only a title and one area of HTML changing, this program may help
you out.
E-Maze v1.0 - A little maze program that I
wrote mostly for practice with MFC. Has three sizes of regular mazes, an experimental
"braid" maze with no dead ends, a working high scores system, and the ability to print
out mazes for later.
ENotes v1.0 - A very small (about 4k
uncompressed) program that may prove useful. It's basically a slimmed-down version
of notepad that allows you to save/open files by right-clicking on the edit box, and
stays on top of other windows. You can use it to take notes on a website without
constantly switching between windows, write down quick notes to yourself, or
whatever else.
ENotes v1.0 Source - RadASM/MASM assembly
language source of the above program