Tuesday 9th October
Stuff has been happening. I promise. You just have to have looked quite closely. The long-promised photos of the hoe-handing-over ceremony are now up on the Hoe Is Where The Heart Is pages. Also added a page on the Critical Acclaim enjoyed by The No Show.

Wednesday 1st August
Pinch punch, first of the month. Added a page dedicated to the scree of awards we keep winning. Check The Awards Page!

Tuesday 31st July
Added loads more to The Corrs for Concern, so check it! Keep voting for the Hillary Woods Shrine in the Top 100 JJ72 sites! We're doing well! At time of press, we're number 15!

Thursday 12th July
Hey guys! Wanna do us a favour? I'll assume the answer's yes. Vote for us in the Top 100 JJ72 sites. Yes, I know it's only a shrine to Hillary, but it'll be funny if we get in the top ten. So vote for us! (I'll try the subtle approach...) Click here for free money! Click here for the attractive partner of your dreams! Click here or the bunny gets it! Aside from this malarkey... the Hoe Is Where The Heart Is page is finally open. Those tear-jerking photos of the hoe handing-over ceremony coming soon!

Wednesday 11th July
Added the internet version of radio show favourite The Corrs For Concern and the brutally interesting The Pie Charts of the Dead. Kinda like our old Big Brother page, but not as funny.

Tuesday 10th July
Well, hey, it's the summer again, so time to give the whole shebang an overhaul. Hence the new layout which looks a bit like an Oddbins catalogue. So? I really like the Oddbins catalogue. In fact, I was wandering through town the other day with Tony and picked up an Oddbins catalogue and enjoyed it immensely. Feedback, as ever, to ithinkitsshit@thenoshow.co.uk... In other breaking news... BONG! A so fresh, so clean Hillary Woods Shrine! BONG! A newer introduction for Freshers! BONG! That's yer lot.

Bank Holiday Monday 28th April
Oh dear... I was bored so I popped into the radio station. No one was doing a show, so I leapt onto the radio desk and started a light, summery show, full of top tunes and sparkling humour. (Possibly.) It was only after twent minutes of afore-mentioned show that I noticed that I had forgotten to push the essential Desk On button, and people had, therefore, not heard my delightful show, but had been listening to the shocking SBN. Case in point - SBN were playing S Club Bloody 7. I'm in such a bad mood, I've decided to close the Blog. It's been fun, but nowhere near as fun as I thought it would be. Bah.

Wednesday 25th April
A pause, if you will, from updating activities. Go right now to visit the homepage of The Frames, my new greatest band in the world. They've released three albums, the second of which, 'Dance the Devil', is rarely off my stereo and should be purchased, as should their new one which is only available either in Ireland or via www.roadrecs.com. I must thank Claire Leadbitter in the Frames' office who is sending Xpression a copy of the new one, 'For the Birds', which will be played relentlessly as soon as it comes into the studio. I cannot stress this enough, buy their records... they are fantastic. [gets off soapbox]

Easter Monday 16th April
Hello. A few new pages for you. In anticipation of the eventual Hoe Is Where The Heart Is page, I've opened a page of cheap, hoe-based humour. I've also begun an in-depth investigation into the bizarre, murky and, oftentimes, bloody hilarious world of Handicapped Pets. Check it, then check yo' head. If you have any more news of handicapped pets, big fat pets or anything like that, email mydogdidntseeitcoming@thenoshow.co.uk. Oooh... and someone post something rude on Mark Seddon's new message board. Or I'll have to.

Tuesday 3rd April
As Embrace once 'sung', come back to what you know. In this case, and no other, this means a brand new Hillary Woods Shrine. Huzzah!

Saturday 31st March
The new guestbook being a fantastically unappealing draw, I now unveil a bold new initiative from The No Show as we unveil The National Bullies Register. Soon, all bullies in the land will be documented, and no more shall this plague of nastiness wash over the faces of the young and innocent. Also began the gargantuan task of updating the Cult Cellar pages, but it's gonna take time, patience and a hell of a lot of tape listening. In the meantime, get registering!

Monday 19th March
Now back for Easter. That guestbook really sucked, so here is the (strangely familiar) new one.

Thursday 8th March
... and for my second trick... New guestbook uploaded following the closure of insidetheweb.com. Citywide went well and our TWELVE HOURS of programming were enjoyed by some. Hopefully a page on how it went coming soon.
Take me home...

No Show Productions (c) 2001