A Beginner's Guide to learning C++
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Even Mystical creatures can learn how to program!


Hi. I am the Dragon. (real name is Preston ) I have scoured the web looking for a site that teaches C+ +. Sure there are Java, Html, Porn, Direct X and Visual Basic sites but there are either no or very few sites that teach the basics of C+ +. This is unacceptable.

C+ + is the one of the most powerful and complicated languages on Earth. Nearly every single program we use from Windows to Quake use C+ +. This web site will teach the basics of C+ + along with some advanced features. After you have gone through the entire site, you should be able to pass a college course of Computer Science with ease. (Well at least you could once the site is finished.)



Table of Programming
Current Projects
Academic Information
Contact Information
Comments and Suggestions
Biographical Information
Personal Interests


Find out what I am doing and/or making.
List of stuff programs and programming materials
Shogo modding
The Shogo mod directory.

Table of Programming

Time to get some Gear
Some things you will need to program in C++
Let's Get Started
Can we talk?
Lesson Two
What in Bill Gate's name is a variable?
Lesson Three
Are you talking to me?
Lesson Three part 2
Manipulating an output stream
Lesson Three part 3
Manipulating an input stream
Lesson Four
I hate math... that's why the computer does it for me!
Lesson Five
IF my hair is on fire, then....
Lesson Six
Funky Function. Sung to the theme from Shaft.
Lesson Seven
Get my switch boy!
Lesson Eight
Looping. Looping! Looping. Looping! Looping. Looping!
Lesson Nine
The NEW algebra. Boolean!
Lesson Ten
Array of Sunshine
Lesson Eleven
Spider Strings
Lesson Twelve
Let's Review... Everything!


Look at my videogames page!
I'll finish it someday.

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Current Projects

Theme Maker                 create a Theme. This project will illustrate how to
                                           create a program just like real programmers.
Read A File Project       reads a file. This project will illustrate streams
Video Games                 I need to unwind and... uh oh... We've been hit... We're
                                           going down!!!
Legacy of the Fallen    An add-on for Shogo 

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Academic Information

Currently a student at University of Texas at Dallas' Computer Science Department.


I have taken the following courses that relate to CS:

Calculus I, II, III

Linear Algebra

Computer Science I, II (C++)

Discrete Mathematics I, II

Computer Arch.

In other words, I know what I'm doing.

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Contact Information

For questions, flames, sanity checks and comments:

Electronic mail address
e-mail is yummy!dragon_154@eudoramail.com

or if you don't trust e-mail

The Dragon

2600 Waterview Pkwy. Apt#4132

Richardson Tx. 75080-1420


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Biographical Information

Florida Agricultural And Mechanical
Computer Science Fall 1997 to May 1998

University Of Dallas
Computer Science Fall 98 to ....

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Personal Interests

Learning C++ Builder
All the power of building windows applications without the hassle of learning frameworks
Playing Nintendo
This relieves stress.
Final Fantasy and Septerra Core
The best rpgs  there is.
Street Fighter
I love saying Hadoken
Jackie Chan Movies
Who can't like watching Jackie act like a cartoon character.
Internet Surfing
You wouldn't believe the stuff out there
I am a college student and Zzzzzzzzzz............
Listening to Music
It (yet again) relieves stress.

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Copyright information goes here.
Last revised: November 05, 1999 10:15:40 PM.