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Back to Swensota SoftwarePokemon Blast HomeGreen CD - 75 PokemonRed CD - 75 PokemonGold Version - over 160 PokemonDownload Game DemosSend comments to creator

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The Gold Version


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The Gold Version of Pokemon Blast is included in the Red CD but will only work if you have installed both the Green and Red CD's first.  By upgrading to the Gold Version, you get all 150 Pokemon from the Green and Red CD's as well as these extra Pokemon for a total of 164 to choose from.

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Mew Honou Elekid Togepi Tenriyuu
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Yadokinku Donfuyan Buru Hooter Pikablu
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Robomew Beat-L Darthmaultwo Phoenix

Swensota Software 1999