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Visualize Your Support Team

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Vision & Mission

The SafetyNet Project Workbook

The SafetyNet Project Workshop

More about The SafetyNet Project

WebMaster: kostrygina@yahoo.com


Vision & Mission

The SafetyNet Project is designed to foster community, connection and support among people, particularly in times of need. Its current mission is to insure that every person facing serious illness has the opportunity, the structure and the tools to design, implement and benefit from a personalized support team of family, friends and organizations. This concept is readily applicable to others, including the aging, for whom isolation and feelings of loss of control can exacerbate medical and other problems.

In the next five years, SNP expects to have a significant impact on traditional and complementary health care concepts, transforming the way people handle illness, wellness and healing, reducing isolation and encouraging the formation of personal caring communities.

A well-persons' guide to personal team building and well-persons'
workshops and coaching are also available.
E-mail Sbelgard@safetynetproject.org

The SafetyNet Project • PMB #259, 2443 Fillmore Street, San Francisco,
CA 94115-1800 •