"The Patient-Centered Guide to Creating a Caring
Support Team"
The SNP Workbook is a 60+ page
loose-leaf with two separately bound folders, one each for the patient
and the caregivers/support team members. The loose-leaf format
encourages people to add pages they design for themselves, remove
parts that do not apply, shift sections around, in short, to make it
their own story and their own book. The binders contain questions to
contemplate and ponder, space for journaling, etc.
This Workbook is designed to:
| Serve as a path of self-discovery, self-expression and self- determination for the
| Elicit information about the patient's wants, needs and desires
| Become a record of the
patient's favorites, preferences, likes and dislikes in all areas of
life (food, recreation, movies, sports, artists, writers, etc.),
relevant medical information (including doctors names and addresses,
medicine schedule, appointments, etc.)
| Give team members access
to this important information and insights to better personalize their
support and caring.
To purchase
a copy of the Workbook, send a check made payable to "The SafetyNet
Project" for $16.00 (includes postage and handling, Cal. residents add
$.99 sales tax) to SNP at P.O. Box 445, Lafayette, CA
94549-0445. |
The SafetyNet Project
• PMB #259, 2443 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA
94115-1800 • sbelgard@safetynetproject.org