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Peter Kleiner's

Job Page

My Job




redwoods_bullet.gif What I 've Worked On

z/OS , OS/2, NT

Banking, Auto Industry, Software Manufacturing

Programming, Systems Programming, Consulting, Project Management

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Birth Date / Place:           September 22,1955 in Nuremberg, Germany
Citizenship:                      USA
Education:                       University of Colorado
1978                               Bachelor of Science in Business

EDP Experience:             Since 1974
Software:                        MVS
                                       JES2, JES3
                                       IMS DB/DC
                                       OS/2, DOS, Windows NT, LINUX
Programming Languages: Assembly, PL/1, REXX,
                                       COBOL, Fortran, Basic,
                                       Windows Scripting, HTML
Systems Applications:      DFHSM, RACF, DFDSS, DFS, SMP/E,
                                       VTAM, NetView, SLR, Omegamon, IPCS,
                                       SNA Server, SQL Server, MainControl
User Applications:           IMS DB/DC, BTS, MFS, TSO, ISPF, ASP,
                                       Easytrieve, Data Dictionary, DOK DL/1
Special Knowhow:          Integration / Splitting of Computer Centers
                                       Security Evaluation / Risk Analyse
                                       Maintenance Concepts
                                       MVS Integrity
                                       System Management Concepts
Spoken Languages:          English and German

March 1999                    HanseCom
                                       Hamburg, Germany

Analysis of their IT Effectivity

Sep. 1998                      Kühne & Weyh
                                      Freiburg, Germany

Installation of a P390 with OS 390 and JES2

Jan. 1990 -  May 2000   HypoVereinsbank
                                      Munich, Germany

Systems programming. Planning und implementation of Systems Applications, Maintenance Concept, Computer Center Integration, Computer Center Splitting, Benchmarking, and troubleshooting. Since 1997, all phases of decentralized Systems Management und Software Distribution.

Jan. 1988 - Dec. 1989   Deutsche Bundes Post (FA 1)
                                      Munich, Germany
Systems programming.

Juli 1987- Dec. 1987     Philip Morris
                                     Munich, Germany
Network design and implementation.

Aug. 1986 - June 1987  Coopers & Lybrand
                                     Boston, Mass.

Computer security and integrity consulting.

Oct. 1984 - June 1986  Daimler Benz AG
                                     Esslingen u. Kassel, Germany

Systems programming.

Feb. 1984 - Oct. 1984  National Semiconductor
                                     Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

Applications programming.

Jan. 1980 - Dec. 1983  BMW AG
                                     Munich, Germany

Applications programming.


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